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How does 1 request every 5 seconds exceed the 30 requests per second limit?

I'm doing a run every 5 seconds for this API call: url = "{date_today}&order=desc&sort=creation&site=...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
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Get a great many counts of questions, by select tags for a date range?

I am trying to get the number of questions associated with a specific tag for a particular date range. I initially assumed the fromdate and todate parameters would do this. However, it appears that ...
user3089187's user avatar
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How to increase app request quota from 300 to 10,000?

In the app management page for a little app I made, the following statement is presented below this key Pw9D)judG8FE4tJR3qjUTA((: Pass this as key when making requests against the Stack Exchange ...
m-a-r-c-e-l-i-n-o's user avatar
5 votes
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Is the Stack API daily quota of 10,000 a hard limit, or can it be increased?

We are developing an indexer that will be used to store and serve up questions/answers related to our products. The indexer uses a key (and soon an access_token) to retrieve the data from Stack ...
Daniel Coughl's user avatar
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Can I ask the API to tell me to back off? [duplicate]

I'm creating a bot that collects all tags from a given site (and over all sites in the network). I would obviously like to run this bot in as little time as possible, but I also do not want to overly ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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What about actually identical requests?

Now, it says here that I should not make lots of semantically equivalent requests. It also says that there is a lot of caching. So I was wondering, what about exactly identical requests. Should I wait ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?
Rakesh Adhikesavan's user avatar
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How to increase the allowed number of API calls?

Stack Exchange provides the possibility to do a limited number of API calls per day from the same IP (10,000 if the customer registers the app). Is it possible to get that number increased?
Anton's user avatar
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Best strategies for calling the API with full throttling support?

I know this would be subjective on a normal SE site but as the relevant chat rooms are mostly dormant, we have no meta site, and nobody noticed when I asked if this kind of question is OK here, I'm ...
hippietrail's user avatar
2 votes
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Stack Exchange API not realtime?

I was testing the inbox/unread API but noticed that there is a big delay between one gets a message, and this message gets included in the API response. Like one minute or more. Is this API not real-...
zavié's user avatar
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Add a special page where developers can reset throttle timeouts

As George Edison noted, it would be useful to have a special page where developers can reset the throttle timeout when we accidentally trigger it. This happened to me this morning — I got banned for ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
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Can we have some debug endpoints for testing corner cases?

After encountering a throttle violation today (which I posted in another question), it occurred to me that although I've put together code to handle "backoff" conditions, and potentially throttle ...
agent86's user avatar
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How many simultaneous queries may I make of the same Stack Exchange API?

I've been playing with some of the APIs that have paged results. I've been doing a first call with pagesize=0 to determine how many pages there are then running a loop querying each page. In my case ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Would it be a problem if my server polls the API every minute or so about 1 of my questions on my list?

I know that officially identical requests cannot be done in more than one minute. But would it be a problem if I had a server which had a list of question IDs (say 10 per user, so reasonable max 10,...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Getting Question data using stack.PHP fails after a certain number of requests

I am trying to build an RSS feed that includes any/all questions that I have answered, and been accepted as the correct answer. I am running into an issue where I'm sending too many requests and ...
jondavidjohn's user avatar
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When does a rate-limit day start and end?

After reading the docs/faqs, I couldn't help but wonder... What exactly is a day? When does it start? When does it end? What timezone are you using? In other words, when my app runs out of requests ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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