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PyOverflow: Account statistics for Stack Overflow for Ubuntu!

I was bored, and I wanted to play with the API, so I came up with this little script: It's coded in Python and has only a single image dependency. Here is a screenshot: Here's the source code (it's ...
Blender's user avatar
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HTTP 500 error when calling /apps/{accessTokens}/de-authenticate with an access_token argument in GET

For almost all API calls, I pass both my key and my access_token. This doesn't exactly make sense for the "de-authenticate" endpoint, as the access token is already in the URL. Passing one anyway ...
agent86's user avatar
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How about a regex filter in the tags API?

The tags API has a "filter" parameter but it only matches the exact substring in the parameter in the tags. On Travel we have one kind of tags, IATA airport codes (SYD for Sydney, SFO for San ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Chrome extension to send any Stack Exchange question+answers to your Kindle

I wanted a way to read all the awesome and descriptive answers on Stack Overflow, but I never felt comfortable reading on my monitor. I figured if I could send it to my Kindle, I can read it at my ...
sharat87's user avatar
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filter=total is returning 0?

I'm running a very simple (and contrived) call of: I'm expecting a response of: {"total":1} But am getting a ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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Test and evaluate my answers classifier? [duplicate]

I have created a web applicability that analyses the answers to a question and ranks them by usefulness. This is part of my thesis, and I need to get some real developers feed back. Here is a link to ...
tecknut's user avatar
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/suggested-edits "Try it": Link for "suggested_edit_id" is broken

When using the "Try it" feature on /suggested-edits, the link for the suggested_edit_id points towards and not towards the respective site. For example, retrieve data ...
Sirko's user avatar
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Several staff members are incorrectly listed as elected moderators

Several employees are being reported as elected moderators on sites they haven't been elected on, according to /2.0/users/moderators/elected. I think there was a similar issue reported before during ...
nobody's user avatar
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Events: field request

The "Event" object doesn't have an easy way for getting at the object relating to the event. There's a link field, but I don't fancy having to parse the information out of that (although I could). ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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Mistake in API 2.0 Documentation - Wrong item type for Careers Message

On the Careers Message example shows the wrong item type.
Adam's user avatar
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Newest unaswered by tags

Screenshot About Often, when I was looking for questions to answer on StackOverflow, I would go through newest unanswered questions and look for those that had one of my favorite tags. The “my tags” ...
svick's user avatar
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TLS security warnings from

Each time an API request is made over HTTPS, Firefox generates the following message in the error console: Curious, I looked up RFC 5746 and the document covers the following: Transport Layer ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Authentication Statistics are the same for all apps

I know the stats are new, I'm not sure if they are still in development. But they are identical for the 3 apps I have registered, given that the app's id is in the URL of the stats page, I guess the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Get a list of required tags for site

How can I get the tags which are required, (fulfills_required = true) for each site? Like order/filter the tags route to show the fulfills_required tags first?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Can we get write access to user favorites?

I'd like users of my app to be able to add questions to their favourites. Will this be added to the API as an authenticated call?
David Snabel-Caunt's user avatar
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2.0 tags API returns only created tags

Searching for tags, using the inname parameter AND a date range returns only the tags that were created in that period, not the tags that were used in that period. When searching by inname only, or ...
Kevin's user avatar
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When will the "site" field be absent from an "inbox_item"?

According to the documentation on the inbox_item type, the site field "may be absent". Under what circumstances will this occur?
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
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Typo in throttle violation error message

I was just playing around with the API locally and got throttled for the questions and answers methods (the only two I was using). Anyway, I noticed there’s a small typo in the error message that’s ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
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No answer_id for Comment on answer inbox_item

According to the API documentation on inbox_item, inbox items corresponding to a comment on an answer to a question should have an answer_id field identifying the answer that the comment was on, but ...
yuji's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the edit URL for a tag wiki from the API?

I've been playing with a little webapp for tags of a certain kind for travel.SE (current pre-alpha version gist on github). One thing I would like to do is add links for the various tag-related ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Will there be another contest when Stack API 2.0 is close to release?

Considering Stack API 2.0 will probably focus a lot on administration and write features, I think it would be a good idea to have another contest.
Soviut's user avatar
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/answers endpoint is error-500-ing against many sites

Just calling the "/answers" endpoint, no specific arguments, and I'm getting 500 errors: {"error_id":500,"...
agent86's user avatar
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What happens when sites or the whole network go offline

Now that the API is all done on What happens if say just certain sites go offline (eg just Stackoverflow). Will the API continue to return results or will it return the HTML offline ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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/revisions/{ids} returns results where revision_number is always 1

As of now, Code Review Question 59285 has three revisions, excluding the original question. If I fetch those three revisions using the API, I see that all of them have revision_number set to 1. That'...
200_success's user avatar
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Modifications to KDE StackTray

I modified the StackTray app so it now uses the Py-StackExchange library, to fix JSON parse errors, as version 0.8 of the StackOverflow API was phased out instead of displaying stuff like badges ...
gatoatigrado's user avatar
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What are the possible errors returned from authentication?

The title pretty much says it all, I couldn't find in the Authentication doc much about the errors (other than the HTTP code will be 400)?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Security certificate error when logging in with myOpenID

I have written an application that embeds the WebKit rendering engine (the same rendering engine used in Safari and Chrome). This application makes use of the /inbox route and therefore requires the ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Inbox unread since parameter not working

The since parameter of /inbox/unread no longer seems to work. I enter a date after the creation date of the item currently unread in my inbox and still the item is returned. I try putting in ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Example of inbox items?

Would it be possible to get an example of each type returned by the inbox, Eg careers messages, and whatever meta questions are. Do careers invites/chat messages/etc have ids? And what is their site?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Site categories in API?

Would it be possible to have a category field added to the site object. Eg Technology, Culture, etc. The sites seem to already have categories, as you can see on this page:
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How to get network profile username?

I was thinking I could just get the username from the response of /users/{ids}/associated (where {ids} is the not-site-specific id). But then realised that it returns only network_user (even though we ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview.

This is a very selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview: Purpose Please note that this transcript fragment is mainly a supporting post to decrease the length of ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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Could the /tags API return minimal information about synonyms?

It would be very helpful if the /tags API could provide at least a bare minimum of information about tag synonyms. Either: Number of synonyms the tag has, if any. Or a true/false flag for tags which ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How do I get a filter to let through the fields I specify?

I've created a filter based on the "none" filter with include fields for all those I will need for my application. While the filter I created looks fine to me, it doesn't appear to return any results ...
patridge's user avatar
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Quota remaining is negative

I think I must be doing something very stupid, that I just can't see I just registered an app, in the last ~10 minutes. I have just been going to the /info route, no authentication or anything else. ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Removing/disallowing app does nothing

I have just deleted/disallowed, the console app and the app I'm currently writing. For the console the access token I was using before deleting the app carried on working, and when I got a new token, ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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What sizes are the images available through the /sites endpoint?

I see logo_url, icon_url, favicon_url, high_resolution_icon_url... But I wasn't able to find any information about any of those images in the documentation. Are any of them fixed size? And/or is ...
Mark Rushakoff's user avatar
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In API 2.0, what happened to questions sorted by "featured?"

I was looking for a way to grab the list of "featured" questions via the API, and I stumbled across several answers that all point to the same solution: Shouldn't there be a separate call for ...
agent86's user avatar
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User to de-authorise app?

The API makes use of OAuth to allow queries such as /inbox/unread. In the documentation however, I cannot seem to find a way for the user to control actively the authentication: Is there a place for ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
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api 2.0 - any plans to bring SE sites closer together?

I've been re-reading api 2.0 roadmap and thinking what might be useful to have there. I don't care much about authentification, and even less about write access. But what would really reduce amount ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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How can I get the "follower" count for a given tag on a site?

One of the metrics (albeit a somewhat weak one) of a given tag's "health" is how many followers it has. I believe this is the count of how many users have the tag on their "Favorite Tags" list. You ...
agent86's user avatar
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Running queries from the Documentation pages hangs browser for minutes at a time

I've been playing with some queries on the documentation page, and I've noticed that it's taking an abnormally long time to load even reasonably sized API call results:
agent86's user avatar
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Is the display name meant to be escaped HTML in the 2.0 version of the API?

The display_name field of a user is HTML escaped. See here for example. Is this expected behavior or a bug? The documentation doesn't mention it.
user avatar
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/users/{id}/tags/{tags}/top-answers returning answers by other users

According to the description, /users/{id}/tags/{tags}/top-answers should return answers by the user on that particular tag. Returns the top 30 answers a user has posted in response to questions ...
nobody's user avatar
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Site_Type returns "main_site" for

For Meta Stack Overflow, the 2.0/sites endpoint returns "main_site" rather than "meta_site". All other site_type for other stackexchange sites return correctly. URL:
Crashthatch's user avatar
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read item in unread inbox method again

I'm getting a read item in the inbox/unread method, again. This happened before, but I can't find the post about it (I'm pretty sure you fixed/explained it). But the item is very old, not a cache ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Exterminators - Bugs and Features, Present and Past and those who brought them to light.

Exterminators About Exterminators is a simple aggregate of bugs and feature requests with a per-user breakdown with a weighted score thrown in for fun. Bugs and Feature requests are considered 'open' ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Answer vote counts are not correct

I was trying to figure out the total number of answers I have that have been downvoted, and at first everything seemed awesome since the total was zero. However, I knew this wasn't correct. For ...
agent86's user avatar
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There is a small discrepancy in the docs for users-id-associated

The main doc page,, shows /users/{id}/associated while the method page,, uses /users/{ids}/associated. It's ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Policy on shipping working examples that use the explicit authentication flow in an SDK?

I'd like to ship a working example of using the explicit authentication flow in Stack.PHP. I have no trouble embedding the API key and app ID in the example. The problem lies in embedding the client ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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