I was browsing the API for the list of elected moderators, The API URL is
However the API returns Shog9 also
"badge_counts": {
"bronze": 219,
"silver": 185,
"gold": 28
"account_id": 620,
"is_employee": true,
"last_modified_date": 1481914533,
"last_access_date": 1482245934,
"age": 36,
"reputation_change_year": 10402,
"reputation_change_quarter": 2277,
"reputation_change_month": 679,
"reputation_change_week": 90,
"reputation_change_day": 30,
"reputation": 110058,
"creation_date": 1218253990,
"user_type": "moderator",
"user_id": 811,
"location": "Colorado, United States",
"website_url": "http://shog9.com",
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/users/811/shog9",
"profile_image": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ae15c48f686a0ecb39848f980b296611?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG",
"display_name": "Shog9"
The description reads
This method excludes Stack Exchange Inc. employees, unless they were actually elected moderators on a site (which can only have happened prior to their employment).
However the elections page does not list Shog as a moderator.