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Questions tagged [markdown]

Markdown is a lightweight, plain-text, markup language. It is used across the entire Stack Exchange network for post formatting (Questions, answers, wikis, chat) and comment formatting.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Get Comment markdown, copy comment code to clipboard

Adds easy buttons to fetch comment code and copy it to the clipboard.

Stack Exchange References

Stack Exchange References What is it? Stack Exchange References is a userscript for easily putting in references in answers and questions. Description In the top bar of any answer or question on…

Export BibleGatway page content in markdown format

Description When browsing Bible Gateway show a textinput field with a markdown formatted copy of the current page for easy copy/paste into SE questions and answers. This is especially useful for u…

Convert share links to markdown [title](url)

Share post links with markdown, replacing the original URL by a markdown version of title plus URL.

Markdown Shortcuts for StackExchange - insert latex commands quickly by keybindings

This userscript gives users quick key bindings to speed up the process of editing mathjax/chem/etc. into posts. Example usage: Pressing Alt+I would insert \pi directly. Pressing Alt+R would inse…

Enhanced Ctrl + L and URL templates for comments, answers and questions

Shortcut Ctrl + L to add links to a comment. Define URL templates to make it easier to insert links to documentation. Shortcut Ctrl + L to remove a link in a comment ([caret>|](link) -> caret>…

Copy post content as markdown -- quick and easy way to quote people!

This is a userscript that converts the selected text to Markdown and allows you to quickly copy it. It is mainly useful for when copying from comments on posts, where you want to quote the user, or…

Incremental Markdown Preview for Stack Exchange

Incremental Markdown Preview is a user script that modifies the Stack Exchange live Markdown preview pane to minimize the number of HTML elements that need to be replace every time the preview is u…