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How do I handle token expiration in my application?

This request is responded to with either an error (HTTP status code 400) or an access token of the form access_token=...&expires=1234. expires will only be set if scope does not include no_expi…

stackchat.cpp - a C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat

C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat, with exactly 0 boost. Includes the core framework for bots, including command structures, listeners, etc., as well as base functionality.

stackapi.cpp - a C++20 library for the Stack Exchange API

I needed a (non-boost) C++ API library for Stuff™. So far, I've stuck to a single highly specialised and minimal implementation (that this library is based on), but because I have plans to write an…

Py-StackExchange: An API wrapper for Python

So, what is Py-StackExchange? Well, I'm glad you asked. It is a Python library for querying the StackExchange API from your Python applications. Integration, ahoy! So why should you use it? After…

Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview)

While I still prefer a more "traditional" shell for day-to-day use, I'm finding Nushell's structured data capabilities to be a fantastic companion to the SE API (among others). It's been…

PyStackAPI - wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python

PyStackAPI The latest version - 0.2.0 What is PyStackAPI? PyStackAPI is a modern, 100% typed wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python. Documentation You can find documentation here: htt…

Helper module for SE API for Nushell

Following on from Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview), I have developed a helper module for calling SE API's in Nushell. The library itself is short and included in the first answer. Us…

Insert direct documentation links in to answers

Based on previous topics on, there appears to be a gap how we can better assist users when answering questions by providing direct links to documentation (supplementing the a…

Stack Exchange Global Types - a type declaration package for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange global types adds or augments type definitions for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange to aid userscript authors

Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your h…

PLACEHOLDER - Pipedream extension for doing actions on stackexchange

I am using the Stack Exchange API for doing actions on the website which can be performed using a portal I am building which links various other platforms.

Generate Headers - a utility package for validating and auto generating userscript manager headers

Tired of writing out userscript headers by hand? Of small typos in your @match headers leading to wasted time? Generate Headers to the rescue: this utility package automates header generation for p…

Generate StackApps - post generator for userscripts

Tired of writing Stack Apps posts by hand? With Generate StackApps you can focus on what's really important — userscripts and delegate the busywork to automation.

Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack Exchange 2.1 API

Stack.PY is based heavily on Stack.PHP and Stack.JS, taking the chained-method concept and applying it to Python. The end result is an extremely easy to use module, named stackpy: from stackpy impo…

Stack Exchange API Types - a type declaration package for API types

Stack Exchange API Types adds type definitions for various API types

GraphQL Stack Overflow API endpoint W.I.P

Currently a GraphQL endpoint is available here, meant to facilitate apps wanting to query data from StackExchange but with the GraphQL spec. High speed, built with go and hosted on Azure. Source co…

StacMan - .NET client for Stack Exchange API v2

StacMan is a .NET client for Stack Exchange API v2

Sanction - An OAuth 2.0 implementation

Note: Sanction is nearing alpha state, so usage and issue logs are appreciated. Sanction is a Python implementation of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It was written to cover issues missed by other implem…

ChatX: A ruby library for SE Chat

ChatX is a ruby chat library. Despite it's -pre version number, it is currently in a fully usable state.

OBSOLETE - Soapi.CS : A fully relational fluent .NET Stack Exchange API client library

A robust, fully relational, easy to use, strongly typed, end-to-end StackOverflow API Client Library. Out of the box, Soapi provides you with a robust client library that abstracts away most all of…

OBSOLETE - ActionStack - An ActionScript Wrapper for the API

ActionStack is an ActionScript 3 wrapper for the StackOverflow API. ActionStack fully supports all API methods, including StackAuth methods. Although there is no documentation for ActionStack at th…

OBSOLETE - Mobile Exchange Library for .NET Compact Framework

Since the .NET Compact Framework is always lagging behind in terms of what is implemented, and what is not implemented, I made a .NET library for the Stack Exchange API specifically made for the .N…

OBSOLETE - so++ - C++ Library

so++ is an object-oriented wrapper for the StackOverflow API. It currently uses libcurl and jsoncpp. The .zip file includes examples, though they need the API key replaced. License so++ is rele…

OBSOLETE - Soapi.JS : fluent JavaScript client library for the Stack Exchange API

Soapi.js is a compact single file, self-containted, self-documenting, intuitive and easy to use fluent JavaScript wrapper with full coverage of the Stack Overflow API. Soapi.js is unobtrusive and…

Node.js/ChatExchange - An API for Chat

ChatExchange is a node.js API for talking to Stack Exchange chat (Largely based on ChatExchange for python). This is still very much in the works, but currently provides a working API for those who…

v0.1.3, Blue

OBSOLETE - - Python Stack Overflow library

This is a simple Python module providing functions for querying Stack Overflow. I created it mostly because I was interested and because I wanted something small (it's not even 400 lines). It's sim…

SEStandard - A .NET Standard 1.1 compliant Stack Exchange client library that supports API v2.2

A .NET Standard 1.1 compliant C# library for querying the Stack Exchange API (supports v2.2).

Ruby SE Realtime: A library for watching the SE Realtime WebSocket

A library for interacting with the SE Realtime WebSocket.

stackcpp - An asynchronous C++11 library for the StackExchange API

stackcpp is an asynchronous C++11 library for the StackExchange API!

go-sechat - Go package for interacting with the Stack Exchange chat network

The Stack Exchange chat network does not currently have an API. However, after spending a bit of time in Chrome's Inspector, I was able to reverse-engineer most of the requests and responses travel…

StackExchange API Java SDK

This project aims to provide a Java wrapper to the Stack Exchange API. SDK supports Stack Exchange API V2.2 Getting Started There are two interfaces to the library. Query Interface Facade I…

Stack Exchange Java client library

A Java client library that wraps the Stack Apps API. The library uses the newer Jersey REST processing that will eventually become part of the Java platform. Change Log Version 0.9 Added suppor…

ThirdPlace JavaScript chat library

ThirdPlace.js is a library which abstracts some of the concepts of the SE Chat system (the "Third Place") into easy to use JavaScript objects.

v0.5a, Josh

StackWrap4J Java wrapper

StackWrap4J is a Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. It is designed to be easy to use, and intuitive to learn while providing the full functionality of the API. License StackWrap4J is avail…

SEAPI - A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API v2.1. Built with Requests. Why yet another SE API Python wrapper? (I'm aware of Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack Exchange …

StackExchange API Java wrapper

StackExchange API Java wrapper is a Java wrapper for StackExchange API v2.2. ;-) Right now it's in early development stage. I am posting it here because I would like to build it with you. This tool…

v0.1, hsz

StackAPI - A(nother) Python wrapper

This is a(nother) Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. I wrote this to assist with a couple of my projects that needed to do a lot of API interactions. After using it and polishing it up for …

Stack.JS - Powerful Event-driven Library for Accessing the Stack Exchange API in JavaScript.

Stack.JS is the JavaScript equivalent of Stack.PHP and aims to replicate the request structure of that library as much as possible. The library is still a long ways from being complete but is funct…

StackExchange API JS SDk

I am planning to write a javascript library as a wrapper over StackExchange API. Currently, every webapp using StackExchange api needs to compile the url and make a GET request (mostly by ajax) whi…

Stack.PHP - Powerful and Extensive Library for Accessing the Stack Exchange API - Including Full Support for v2.0.

Why you should use Stack.PHP: Stack.PHP has been completely rewritten from scratch to facilitate a comprehensive restructuring of the code. These new changes allow certain tasks to be coded in a m…

ChatExchange - It is an API for Chat

It is an API for Chat, made in Javascript License ChatExchange is released under the Apache License 2.0. Download You can download ChatExchange here: Compressed Version or Normal Version Conta…

Want a way to give your user the access token nicely?

Well your wishes have been fulfilled. Over on GitHub is a page ready designed for you to use! It's my SEAuthentication repro. What does it do? How does it work? The essential code is below. There…

ArtOfChatbot + Chat API - a customisable chatbot

ArtOfChatbot is a two-part creation: a basic chatbot script, and an API to customise it. It is designed to be: completely in-browser easy to run easy to extend (with some JS knowledge) You can …

rubyoverflow 0.5

rubyoverflow is an ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. Status Middle of being rewritten. Handles /users/{id}/* routes along with /sites and /users. Documentation forthcoming Known Issues Not …

stackoverflow-java-sdk: a Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

stackoverflow-java-sdk is an open source library hosted at Google Code. I created this library to be used in an internal project. But it's comprehensive enough to be used by anyone looking to integ…

Ruby library for Stack Exchange API

I have written a Ruby library for accessing Stack Exchange questions, comments, badges and users. I am adding more methods. Repository Documentation…

Stacky - A .NET client library (Full support for API v2.0)

Stacky is a .NET client library for the Stack Apps API. It is a simple library and to supports a variety of platforms such as Silverlight and Windows Phone 7, .NET 4 and .NET 3.5. License MSPL Down…

Serel: A Ruby Library with full support for API 2.0

Serel is Stack Exchange RElational Algebra, a fully featured Ruby library for the Stack Exchange API.