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Bounty question collector

I want to write a script to collate all bounty questions from all Stack Exchange sites. I have heard of Tampermonkey and I have no server access. Could someone explain how I should go about writing a ...
JMP's user avatar
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How to get the 10 most recent questions with accepted answers based on a given tag?

I am trying to figure out how to get the 10 most recent questions from the Stack Overflow site, that have been answered, based on a given tag (such as 'Java'). I looked at the documentation but I ...
Locke's user avatar
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How to include answers when fetching questions?

I made a small cron job which crawls questions and answers from Stack Overflow. Here is my request URL:
Jithesh Kt's user avatar
3 votes
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link in post_id in /me/notifications/unread is wrong

I have run /me/notifications/unread. The response contains post_id and there is a link to it. This link is wrong. The post is on Stack Apps but the link directs to Stack Overflow: I have ...
amit jha's user avatar
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Questions with specific tag and specific text inside questions

So I am able to get questions with specific tags, but still not able to get questions which have specific text and a specific tag. For example if I want to get all the questions with text "api" in ...
user34257's user avatar
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QuestionPacker - Packs Question in a Webpage

Screenshot About It is my version of StackTack, which seems to be discontinued. License Inbox Reader is released under the Apache License 2.0. Download You can get QuestionPacker here: http://...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
3 votes
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Difference between `/inbox/unread` & `/me/inbox/unread`

I ran /inbox/unread & /me/inbox/unread. What is the difference between the two? Also, the site parameter which we give in call to /me/inbox/unread is not required as inbox_item refers to global ...
amit jha's user avatar
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How to find questions that were posted or edited recently?

The api function documented at lets me list questions on a site. How do I sort this so that I see questions that are recently posted, edited, including ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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Hide sites from Hot Network Questions section

Screenshot About The 'Hot Network Questions' section has questions from websites which are not very interesting for me so with this script you can: Hide questions from those websites Stop hiding ...
Giorgi's user avatar
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Clickable link in "Try It" section of some doc pages

In the "Try It" section of some doc pages, the link is not present. It is present in the below image Its not present in the below image
amit jha's user avatar
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Where is "items" & "badge_counts" documentation?

Where is the items & badge_counts documentation? This is returned as JSON. I am using the /me/associated query function.
amit jha's user avatar
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
5 votes
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Please make the site search on the API alphabetical

When I search, I want the sites to be alphabetical: Please can they be?
Tim's user avatar
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A step by step approach for posting questions and answers?

I am trying to learn a step by step approach for posting questions and answers on using the Stack Exchange API. Could someone help me with this?
Anand Kamathi's user avatar
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Unanswered Questions Recommender

Put in your user id, get a list of recent unanswered questions that you'll be able to answer:
popstack's user avatar
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Devlookup : A Search tool designed for developers

About Devlookup is a search tool designed for developers. It aggregates results from the most important development websites, using Bing as the backend engine. The main goal is to improve resource ...
uzul's user avatar
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Stackopedia - all the answers to the questions you never asked

Screenshots Splashscreen Random Questions Settings About An Android app that shows a random high voted question and its best answer each time you launch it. A really different way to learn new ...
motoDrizzt's user avatar
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Is there any app that could extract and manage questions from Stack Overflow?

I'm looking for help with a Stack Overflow application that could do the following things for me: Extract the top voted questions at a given date and tag Extract the answered questions of some given ...
Mazdak's user avatar
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How can I introduce my Stack Overflow app to other users?

Recently, I created a project to manage and extract questions from Stack Overflow and convert those to PDF docs. I put it on GitHub. I think this project could be improved and could be very helpful ...
Mazdak's user avatar
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Invalid HTML characters in questions bodies

While writing an Android App that shows questions from the SE network, I've noticed that the SE REST API returns invalid HTML characters; after a bit more of researching I've found it's not the API ...
motoDrizzt's user avatar
6 votes
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API throws improper error when "date" parameters are the same

When using the Stack Exchange /questions API using the same date for fromdate and todate I get a 500 internal server error. Using different dates appears to work OK but specifying the same value ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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How can I show recently answered questions and answers in my blog site?

I would like to showcase some of my Stack Exchange answers in my blog site. I couldn't find a relevant post on how to implement this. Also, from what I can see, in order to use the API a user needs ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is comment_count=1 (incorrectly) when this particular filter is used?

We're seeing that, when a particular filter we've created is used, the API will return "comment_count": 1 for questions with no comments. For a search for questions with no answers, ordered by ...
daviddoran's user avatar
2 votes
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Obtain JSON equivalent of a full Q&A HTML page?

I want to write an application for which, after some logic to select a set of questions, it would be most convenient to get the whole set of stuff at once that is normally shown on a Stack Exchange Q&...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
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Max score with tagged works incorrectly for /questions, correctly for /search

When I look for questions tagged java from the first week of September 2014 with a minimum score of 10 like this: /2.2/questions?fromdate=1409529600&todate=1410134400&min=10&sort=votes&...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
5 votes
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Which reputation events are private?

I've been reading the API documentation on retrieving a user's reputation history (docs/types/reputation-history) and Stack Overflow's description of how reputation is calculated. But, I can't find ...
Andrew's user avatar
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"What is meta" should be rephrased tells that there is "Meta Stack Apps". However there isn't. Stack Apps is its own meta and meta is used to ask meta questions here.
nicael's user avatar
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Procedure for posting questions using the API, v2.2?

I want use one of the Stack Exchange V2.2 API (e.g. /questions/add) to post Stack Overflow questions from my website. I didn't find any app which is currently using the API for posting questions. As ...
user2621858's user avatar
2 votes
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`last_editor` is missing but `last_edit_date` is present?

Some posts (questions or answers) have a last_edit_date but no last_editor. Does this always mean that the post was last edited by the post owner? Example: PS: This issue came ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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How can I access all questions asked by an arbitrary user?

Within the web app for courses I organize, I'd like students to be able to provide their Stack Overflow username, so that we can pull in their most recent and unanswered questions. This information is ...
Chris Fritz's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Filter SE questions by votes, views and rep

(Chrome only) v1.2    Find good questions to answer. The script will filter questions in real time, in all Stack Exchange sites questions pages, hiding them by score, views, user ...
brasofilo's user avatar
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Getting display name of the site on which question is located

When using the /questions method to retrieve a particular question, I'd like to also get the display name of the site on which the question is located (e.g., User Experience). At present, the API does ...
user avatar
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C# Stackexchange Questions API [duplicate]

I need to build an web application C# and below is what I'm stuck with Can I use Stack Exchange's API with Key? Do they have a "hello world" key can be used for learning purpose. I wish to get the ...
singhswat's user avatar
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top-answerers / top-askers documentation bug: number of results returned incorrect

The top-answerers-on-tags and top-askers-on-tags documentation claim: Returns the top 30 answerers active in a single tag, of either all-time or the last 30 days. and Returns the top 30 askers ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
7 votes
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Application Key and AccessToken are not working for Stack Exchange API? [duplicate]

I have followed the documentation and used explicit OAuth 2.0 flow for access_token generation. And I have gone through all 4 steps defined under explicit OAuth 2.0 flow with scope=no_expiry. Then I ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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Are the "body", "comments" and "answers" parameters supported in the API version 2.x?

Earlier with version 1.x, the parameters: body, comments and answers etc. were available. But these don't seem to be supported with API version 2.x. Are these parameters not supported in new API? Are ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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Sorting and filtering is broken on /questions

Sorting error When querying /questions and sort them by creation in descending order, the creation_date drops very rapidly. I was looking for questions in the [php] tag on Stack Overflow. There are ...
Antony's user avatar
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How to set the width of an image in the body of a question?

I used the questions/{ids}/edit to add a hyperlinked image at the end of a question. It works if I use the default dimensions of the image. However, if I specify the width using width="320" or style="...
Pwner's user avatar
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API response doesn't indicate the nature of a rejected question POST

I have a question, which I post to Stack Overflow. The addition of the answer gets rejected and I know that it is due to the fact that I used the tag coredata rather than core-data. When I do this on ...
Besi's user avatar
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API documentation pages match some site names incorrectly

The bug is not in the API itself, but in the pages documenting its methods. To reproduce, follow the link and observe that the page ...
How About a Nice Big Cup of's user avatar
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Version used by StackExchange API if version is not specified in api calls

I have used some StackExchange API calls in my chrome extension - StackEye. With the release of API 2.0, I want to update the api calls so I wanted to know New things available in 2.0+ which were ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
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Using OR with featured questions

My question is similar to: Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags? What I am trying to do is get a list of Featured questions within a list of tags. I have tried using the following: ...
DaImTo's user avatar
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How do I access the greatest hits (questions) via API v2.2.?

The greatest hits (questions) of any stack exchange site (say stack overflow) can be found by visiting the below URL: I would want to access these ...
defau1t's user avatar
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400 when posting a question to the Stackexchange API

I am adding a question via the API and I manage to create a preview of my question (See JSON extract below). { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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Get Token button in "Try it" doesn't give me a key in IE11

When I visit for example the timeline docs to try that api I need to get a token first by clicking 'Get Token'. In IE11 (win 7/x64) this is broken. A window does pop-up but there is never a key ...
rene's user avatar
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Incomplete information in API documentation

I am struggling a little bit with the Stack Exchange API since there seems to be no formal specification for the individual endpoints of the API. Example: Endpoint:
Besi's user avatar
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I could POST a question but it does not have a `question_id` and it does not show up in my account

I could successfully create a question for my StackApp and I got this response (NSDictionary output): { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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32 votes
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Looking for a beginner's tutorial to using the API

I see the Stack Exchange API but I'm unable to understand it. I don't think there is any fundamental tutorial showing how to use Stack Overflow fully in the API documentation. I want some fundamental ...
Ranjit's user avatar
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"Try it" facility suffers a double-encoding bug

As you can clearly see from the above, the ampersand in the site name in the "Try It" section of the API method documentation has been double-encoded. This affects any site with an ampersand in the ...
michaelb958--GoFundMonica's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the private_info scope for?

In the docs it says you can pass private_info for scope when authenticating a user. What does this allow you to access, that you couldn't otherwise?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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