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OBSOLETE - StackFlair Widget - Highly customizable user flair widget for Android

StackFlair is a highly customizable Android widget which displays your profile information (flair) from any website that is part of the Stack Exchange Network (

v1.0.1, Paul

OBSOLETE - StackX - Android application for Stack Exchange (Free) (UI and optimization upgrade)

Update: 4/15/2013: Screenshots updated according to latest layout An android application that will allow the user to browse through all of stack exchange websites using API v2.1. Browse any of…

Stack Explorer (Android app)

Android app to discover new content in the Stack Exchange network

OBSOLETE - Droidstack for Android - now with chat support! [closed]

Droidstack is an Android app that allows you to browse Stack Exchange websites in a very cool, native kind of way, while keeping a Stack Overflow-like look & feel. The API functionali…

QStack (Android Mobile App)

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Stack Android Application

Stack is an Android application that lets you browse and other Stack Exchange sites. Screenshot Download / Install Download from Google Play Code Check out the source code on Git…

PLACEHOLDER - QA Overflow - Stack Overflow Android Client

This app is currently under development, but stay tuned for more updates.

FlowOver Stack App

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OBSOLETE - Stack Viewer - App for navigate in Stack Overflow and more

Obsolete: Links are dead; no source code. This is a native android app for navigate in Stack Overflow. You can see answers, questions, best users by reputation, search by text and tags among other…

OBSOLETE - ChatSEy - An Android App for SE Chat

Completely overhauled styles, including default and dark themes Reply to, star and flag messages Slide-out Sidebar for easy menu/star list access Tweaks to make typing easier (including Return -> S…

PLACEHOLDER - FroloStack - simple Stack Overflow client for Android [closed]

This is a simple Stack Overflow client for Android. It allows users to search questions, answers of questions and other users. Also users will be able to add their answers to a question. it is stil…

SO Watch Face - Android Wear OS Watch Face and Complications

Displays your reputation on any SE site on your Android Wear / Wear OS based smartwatches

OBSOLETE - StackAnywhere - A Stack Exchange client for Android

An Android StackExchange client featuring home screen widget, new answer notifications, search and more.

Open Source Chat Android Application for StackExchange/StackOverflow

A while back a fellow member of Room 15 (Android) started creating an Android application for the StackOverflow/StackExchange chat. I recently picked it up and revived it and it is open to communit…

Stack Flower: a simple Android app for searching Stack Overflow

Stack Flower is a simple Android app for browsing Stack Overflow, with some useful search customization options. You can easily make queries like Posts from this week tagged "android", ranked by …

Official Stack Exchange Android App

This is the official app for all Stack Exchange sites, including Stack Overflow, Super User, Server Fault, Ask Ubuntu and Arqade.

TopStack - Android client for Stack Exchange [closed]

Android client for Stack Overflow and then all Stack Exchange sites in the future. License Freeware. Will probably change to ad-supported or maybe open-source (depends on your requests). Download L…

Stackopedia - all the answers to the questions you never asked

A random question, the right answer, a new thing learned.

Stack Remote - Free Android app dedicated towards Stack Exchange sites! [closed]

Stack Remote is a dedicated Android app for the Stack Exchange sites like Stack Overflow, Server fault, Gaming, User Experience, Super User, etc.

CareerStack - An Android app to search Stack Overflow Careers from your mobile or tablet

Powered by Stack Overflow Careers' RSS feed, CareerStack is an Android app to search & share job listings easily from any Android device. Users can search by: Keywords or skills Location - …

Showr for Android

Showr puts the info and pictures you care about at your fingertips. Stack Exchange integration makes it easy to show your flair from any Stack Exchange site on your homescreen, without pasting URLs.

DashClock Extension for Android

Displays the user's reputation on the Android lock screen as an extension of the popular DashClock widget. It can be switched between displaying the total reputation and today's reputation.

Stacks for Android [closed] Features:

 Supports all the sites in the Stack Exchange network Easy access to over a million questions and answers…

clik - Notification Synchronization

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SOFlair - An Android Widget that shows your Flair

Soflair is a (very) simple widget for Android that shows a user's flair (avatar, reputation & badges). The JSON is polled every 60 minutes.

Rep Change Notifier for Android

Just a simple Python script I threw together to notify me through my Android phone if my reputation is changed. I created it for my own personal use but figured I might as well throw it out into th…

StackWidget for Android

StackOverflow home screen widget. Displays hottest question - click widget to see top 10 hottest. New in 1.1: - Change question category (newest, by tag) - Switch to other StackExchange sites - Ch…