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10 votes

Why has my daily quota increased from 10k to 2 billion?

After re-investigating my code, I realized what was going on here. For this particular project I wasn't using the API key and access token of my own application; I'm using the ones I sniffed from the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I get the access token to use the StackOverflow Rest API as an authenticated user?

If you only want to obtain higher daily quota (10,000 calls per days instead of 300) you supply the key value as query parameter on the url. The key value is found in your App management page. See I ...
rene's user avatar
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1 vote

If a client authenticates, will API requests be counted on their profile?

If you are using an access_token in a request to the SE API, then the quota which that request is counted against is the 10k requests/day for that user+application pair. Each user can have up to five ...
Makyen's user avatar
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How to get an API key without registering an application?

Registration is quite simple; for 10k requests per day, you don't need fancy authentication stuff or a Stack Apps post for the app; just having a key suffices. See the documentation about Throttles. ...
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