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Site Icon Hash in

How do I cache the images properly, I think asked this somewhere before, but it hasn't affected me until gameing site went out of beta. It's HTTP headers or something isn't Ok I used George's answer ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Will the new traffic measuring formula be available via the API as well?

From this MSO answer: was just updated today to use a new formula for traffic. Area 51 is still using the old formula, but will be updated soon to use the new formula. ...
badp's user avatar
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Which nested objects and arrays are optional?

I am handcrafting a JSON Schema for the API, and there is some meta missing from the nested 'returns' objects and arrays. The relevant information I need is: if it is an array, can it be undefined (...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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190 views down?

I am currently getting errors when trying to access the stack overflow api. I have tried others (superuser and serverfault) and they seem to work. Is this by design or did the api unintentionally go ...
lfoust's user avatar
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stackapps favicon inconsistent rendering

A lot of us are using the favicon in our apps as it is a quite convenient size. It seems that IE does not like the stackapps favicon palette and renders the background black. While I do cache the ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes
2 answers

How to access the text of the page returned using curl?

This is what curl returns ^_<8b>^H^@^@^@^@^@^D^@ì½^G`^\I<96>%&/mÊ{^?JõJ×àt¡^H<80>`^S$Ø<90>@^PìÁ<88>Íæ<92&...
Lazer's user avatar
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How can I see the next page of favorites using the SO API? only shows me 30 favourites. How can I see the rest?
Lazer's user avatar
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SOAPI data fails on WP7

Im trying to simply get all of the recent questions using Windows Phone 7. But I keep getting an ObjectDisposedException My Code is not complicated: public void BeginGetAllRecentQuestions() { ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 answers

Silverlight download JSON from API fails

I cant seem to download the JSON for the questions on SO, I cant get the HTML and JSON from other addresses, but the SO API always returns jibberish. Here is my code: public void ...
Mark's user avatar
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Are there any hi-res versions of SO logo that we can use in our apps?

I'd really like either multiple sizes (from icon up) or hi-res or best of all a vector version. I want my app to look as good as possible and I'm sure SO would want to be well represented.
Chris Nicol's user avatar
3 votes
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OBSOLETE - /search method, returning the body of the questions

Probably this is a documentation fault. For the search method, the parameter list doesn't say anything about an optional body, but looking at the Returns description shows: "body": { "...
Dan Dumitru's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do I find a user based upon email hash?

I'm looking for specific guidance on how to locate a user on SO by email address. I'll use this information to work with the API and determine how many points they have on the site.
makerofthings7's user avatar
1 vote
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Can the API return info re "new replies" icon?

I would like to be able to query the status of the "new mail" icon that shows whether there is new comments or favorites activity. Is this possible?
RedFilter's user avatar
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Area51 does not show up in the associated accounts query

Is this on purpose and if yes why?
Sruly's user avatar
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Is there a Stack Exchange icon available?

StackAuth /sites route provides all the site's icons except for the one of the Stack Exchange master site. Could you please provide it in some way (a static SVG would be good)?
systempuntoout's user avatar
2 votes
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What exactly is the 'user' on a post_timeline?

What exactly is the 'user' on a post_timeline? I am assuming that it is the user responsible for the action, if not the user, but I cannot be sure as the JSON structure used to document the results ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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are clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml excluded from throttling

These files are requested by the user agent as needed and the programmer has no knowledge or control over these requests. The abuse potential connected with these files is nil(?) It seems that it ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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api performance slow

this query takes ~30 seconds. Seems abnormal to me
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Maximum tag name length?

Does a maximum tag name length exist? Or it is just the "suggested size" with no hard limits? I'm trying to figure out how to best store them in a database.
Jackson Davis's user avatar
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Announcement: StackExchange API Development Wiki

RIP August 24, 2010 - April 26, 2013 Due to lack of interest and the increasing burden of maintenance, I have decided to close down this wiki. Most of the information that it contains is either ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
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3 answers

-430 rep - why?

I just lost 430 rep. from 6777 earlier today to 6347. This seems to be localized to my account only. Why?
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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How do I fetch one question at a time starting from the latest?

I'm trying to fetch questions one by one, starting from the latest, so that I can create an infinite stream of questions in a Clojure program. I haven't yet been able to do so. I can't just get the ...
Surya's user avatar
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Why have recent dev-tip posts been forced into community wiki without explanation despite ongoing community self-regulation?

Preface Please note that this question is neither about community wiki nor reputation, rather about acceptable moderation, (to stress that I've made it community wiki in itself). Therefore I need to ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve notifications for a given user.

There seems to be a few of these "dev-tips" so I'll share a problem I have. To notify a user of comments directed to them, we use the users/{id}/mentioned method. However, notifying a user of ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to generate a list of users ranked by bug report submissions.

The use case is to generate a list of bug report submissions, grouped by User, of the following counts in descending order: bug bug + status-completed bug + status-deferred bug + status-bydesign ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to generate a list of users ranked by activity (question or answer count).

The use case is to generate a list of users ordered by activity, i.e. question_count or answer_count. e.g. total_(questions|answers) display_name [user_id] ------------------------------------------ ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to calculate a list of users ranked by question favorite count totals.

The API provides methods to sort and filter individual questions by favorite count. In order to calculate the question favorite count totals per User, some grouping and set operations are required. ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to calculate a list of users ranked by question score (votes sum) totals.

The API provides methods to sort and filter individual questions by score. In order to calculate the question score (votes sum) totals per User, some grouping and set operations are required. e.g. ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to calculate a list of users ranked by question view count totals.

The API provides methods to sort and filter individual questions by view count. In order to calculate the question view count totals per User, some grouping and set operations are required. e.g. ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to monitor API version and site state

I want to make an application in which the used API will automatically be updated when a newer version is released. What is the procedure to check if a newer version is available or not? How can I ...
3 votes
1 answer

What are the mechanics of private API beta badge/reputation rewards?

Update: George Edisons comments appear to explain most issues raised here (if not all), so I reformulated the question to reduce the noise and allow for an answer accordingly. I have considered to ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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What constitutes 'active participation' in the private API beta?

In trying to understand some continued weirdness regarding badge/reputation rewarding in the context of private API participation I failed to find the explanation what exactly constitutes 'active ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Stack API blocking Yahoo YQL services?

I was hoping to create OpenTable definitions for Stack services to use YQL, Yahoo's SQL to the web thing. It would have been interesting for experimenting, but also for mashups. Unfortunately, it ...
Alexandre Rafalovitch's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

suggest add favicon.ico to api endpoints

It will reduce 404 entries in your logs and in our browser based fiddler results. Cheap, easy, fast. GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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What timezone is used in the API?

When a timestamp is used, for example the fromdate parameter in /questions, what timezone are dates in? Is the number supposed to be in milliseconds or in seconds? To get the current time to pass as ...
Adam's user avatar
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5 answers

Get user data using curb/Curl in Ruby

I am trying to get user data in my Rails app. I am doing this: url_so = "" curl = curl.perform data_obj = ...
zengr's user avatar
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recommended buffer size for markdown fields is conservative

I ran into a truncation error while inserting user data into a database using the documented field length (buffer size) of 3000. So I redefined to nvarchar(max), pulled all users in the stack ...
4 votes
2 answers

Can I filter Users by reputation or up_vote_count using the API?

Howdy, Is it possible to do API calls that pull back all users with, say, > 10,000 reputation? Or up_vote_count, etc. The advanced search page implies that we should use third-party search engines. ...
Matt Culbreth's user avatar
5 votes
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API compliant request throttle implementations

Balancing compliance with Request Throttling Limits with maximum allowable throughput in our applications and libraries with any reliability requires self-throttling. This post is meant to be a repo ...
0 votes
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Post questions using API [duplicate]

Can I use the API for posting any question to Stack Overflow? I have a internal SharePoint site and whenever anybody has got any technical question they post it here. I want to post it automatically ...
user avatar
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3 answers

When does the judging take place?

I am planning to work some more on my apps tomorrow and get some last minute changes implemented. However, I notice that: The API Contest winners will be picked the first week of August. ...which ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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3 answers

Possible Gzip or data format problems when trying to read JSON.

This is a very basic question. I just want to display a test batch of JSON with PHP, but I think I don't have the correct formatting, since the data received looks garbled when outputed, and it causes ...
Peter Ajtai's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Will I be able to update the (optional) application icon after registering an application?

The Register Your Application form allows for the (optional) submission of an application icon. Presumably this can be updated after registration via Manage API keys? I'd be surprised if not, of ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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Is there an api to post questions without using the websites interface?

I wanted to post questions after a proper user authentication explained here. Is there anyway I can do this?
tsudot's user avatar
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Copying CSS from stackoverflow for use in an app?

Is it ok / legal / allowed to copy some of the styles from stackoverflow / serverfault / etc. for use in a stack app?
Matt Wonlaw's user avatar
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questions/id is sometimes missing an owner?

Every once in a while when I query: I get a question back that is missing the owner field. Is this expected? I haven't seen anything about owner being ...
Matt Wonlaw's user avatar
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SOFU/ SE Reputation Aggregator

Is there an app that aggregates all my SOFU/SE reputation, badges in one single place? I'm going to love it.
Graviton's user avatar
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what is the url for a *.stackexchange site's api?

from my understanding, the documentation suggests that we can use the api against any current *.stackexchange website what would be the url for the api for one of these ? e.g. mysite.stackexchange....
DC01's user avatar
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How will the popularity of hosted apps be determined?

In the contest blog post: We will look at the number of requests for your API key. Was your application used by a lot of people? Or at least a reasonable amount? How does this work for apps ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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12 votes
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How the /sites method is meant to be used

The /sites method is used to enumerate all sites in the network. If your [app] is meant to run against more than a single site (and many are) this method is how you should be discovering new sites in ...