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How to set the stack apps post for an application

On the app management page, when you select one of your apps it says stack apps post, and for me at least says not set. Clicking edit doesn't give an option to set it?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to register V2.0 apps that are not web apps?

I want to register an app that will use the V2.0 API here: However, the app will run on a mobile phone so I cannot enter a domain name. What can I possibly ...
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Authentication Statistics are the same for all apps

I know the stats are new, I'm not sure if they are still in development. But they are identical for the 3 apps I have registered, given that the app's id is in the URL of the stats page, I guess the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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No views_per_day in /info route?

I'm not particularly crying over it, just curious why the views_per_day field was dropped?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Fairly subtle filter bug between 8 am and 10 pm UTC Dec. 29th

This is a public service announcement about a bug that most people probably didn't notice, but might be biting you pretty hard about now. Between 8 AM and 10 PM UTC December 29th, filters generated ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
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Example of inbox items?

Would it be possible to get an example of each type returned by the inbox, Eg careers messages, and whatever meta questions are. Do careers invites/chat messages/etc have ids? And what is their site?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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2.0 tags API returns only created tags

Searching for tags, using the inname parameter AND a date range returns only the tags that were created in that period, not the tags that were used in that period. When searching by inname only, or ...
Kevin's user avatar
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2.0 API get votes

I've been searching the 2.0 API for a list of my own (up and down) votes. I don't see them in the API. I don't think this is a prohibitively resource intensive query or that it can be used to ...
carlosdc's user avatar
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What are the possible errors returned from authentication?

The title pretty much says it all, I couldn't find in the Authentication doc much about the errors (other than the HTTP code will be 400)?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Access token quota

The documentation says that each user gets 5 distinct quotas of 10,000 requests per 24 hours, and as I interpret it, per app. If an application does have an access_token, then the application is ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How to provide a logout button for authentication?

How would you provide a logout button for an app that uses authentication. (Not so that the user has to choose to accept or reject the app, that's deleting the app from their tab) Basically force the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How do I get a GreaseMonkey/UserScript to interact with the Live Preview?

I've converted a script that I hope to get embedded on a StackExchange site (Lego Answers) to a GreaseMonkey/Userscript but I'd like to get it interacting with the live preview when creating or ...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
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Invalidating access token vs de auth app?

Other that invalidating an access token doesn't remove the app from the apps tab (why not?) whats the difference between these two methods?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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What are the paging parameters to the info method used for?

As far as I can tell, there can only be one info object returned from the info method, so why does the method take page and page_size?
lfoust's user avatar
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Policy on shipping working examples that use the explicit authentication flow in an SDK?

I'd like to ship a working example of using the explicit authentication flow in Stack.PHP. I have no trouble embedding the API key and app ID in the example. The problem lies in embedding the client ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Is there a way to programmatically access chat?

I'm thinking about starting a project where I'd like to have access to the "chat" feature of the stack exchange sites. I saw this project: IRC access for the chat? But I don't believe that it works ...
agent86's user avatar
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Same redirect URL for Approve and Reject

Why, when I'm requesting /oauth/dialog and selecting either of the options I get redirected to the same URL with different hash values? It's not a bug per-se, just an observation I made while ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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Point of /users/{id}/inbox?

What is the need for the user ID in: Given that it will only return the inbox of the authenticated user, and deny a mismatching user id. The only needed ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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API v2.0 Developing desktop app

If I am developing a client side application, what kind of domain should I provide to 0Auth callback? Can it be a custom application-centric scheme (like myapp://oauthcallback/)?
Eimantas's user avatar
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Stack Overflow reputation API [duplicate]

I am creating one wordpress widget plugin that display different types of social media fans and followers counts. After that I feel that i also include Stack Overflow reputation for specific users. ...
Ajay Patel's user avatar
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Am I out of luck if my http client doesn't support gzip decoding?

I'm playing with the oauth2 support in v2-beta with an http client that doesn't support gzip decoding. (My client is http spec compliant but can't deal with the non-compliance of the api on this issue)...
Eric Bloch's user avatar
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What is the unix epoch date, range [0, 253,402,300,799] in the API docs?

The type of the fromdate or todate in several methods is set to unix epoch date, range [0, 253,402,300,799] I don't know what that is and I can't find any information -- can someone explain it or ...
phi's user avatar
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Answers without owners

Is it valid for Stack Overflow data to have an answer that does not have an owner? For example if you hit the following API url, it does not bring back an ...
Chris Dellinger's user avatar
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List of possible values for user_type on API for users

I'm starting to work with the API and I see on the call to retrieve a user or multiple users one of the fields that is returned is user_type. So far I have only seen a value of "registered" ...
Chris Dellinger's user avatar
20 votes
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Is there an API to upload images to SE's imgur installation?

Is there an API for uploading images to the StackExchange-specific imgur installation? I could use the main imgur site, but they don't keep the images indefinitely. Use case: It would be ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Is there a maximum on the number of search results returned (using the SO API)?

I was trying to do statistics on post from some not-too-popular tags like matlab, using the search method. It appears that it will never return a total larger than 2000. Is this a hard limit that ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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How to get a User's picture (Avatar)

I've seen a couple of Stack Apps that have the actual picture for the user profile. Is that coming from the API, and if so how? If not I'm assuming they are using some screen-scrapping to get that ...
Chris Nicol's user avatar
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User on main site, also on meta?

If a user has an account on one of the stack exchange site, I thought they had an account on it's Meta site. This doesn't seem the case in the associated users API route for one user (that's all I'...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How to search my threads based on some key words?

As I have already many threads in some StackExchange sites, sometime I would like to be able to search among them, for instance, based on some key words. Does anyone know how to do that? Thank you!
SoftTimur's user avatar
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How to get questions higher than ID

How can I get questions sorted by Question_Id in descending? (Sorted by creation is working) and how to get questions higher than given ID (or higher than last questions creation), my idea is to get ...
hungryMind's user avatar
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How to get tags using the API?

I have a requirement in my application to show the technical skills (tags) in auto-complete format like Stack Overflow has. Is there any example to get the tags from Stack Overflow using JavaScript +...
guna Samba's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - How to get the actual “body” of a question or answer?

How do I actually get the body (i.e. the textual content) of any say question or answer. For example, for question (id= 7406104), I call: But in ...
Larry's user avatar
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182 views user's id

What ID should I pass to{id}/associated url to get user's associations? The description of the api call states: id – a set of up to 10 users' association ids, obtained ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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Where do I get UUID for fetching user's associations?

Yesterday (09/17/2011) I could go to my stackexchange site's profile page and grab UUID from the url: I could use this UUID to fetch user's associations with stack exchange network. Now said URL ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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Would it be a problem if my server polls the API every minute or so about 1 of my questions on my list?

I know that officially identical requests cannot be done in more than one minute. But would it be a problem if I had a server which had a list of question IDs (say 10 per user, so reasonable max 10,...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How to get a users reputation ranking/position?

Using the SO API request{userId}, I can get a user's current reputation score with no problems. What I'd like to know is where the user's rank in the set of all ...
Richard H's user avatar
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API to get the small tag info displayed in the popup

I do not know if this is possible, or if this is even prohibited, but here goes. I am creating a website where I talk a lot about the web and different programming languages. Now I want to create ...
Saif Bechan's user avatar
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Does stackapplet support an http proxy ?

I installed stackapplet on Ubuntu desktop 10.04 from their PPA. This installed stackapplet version 1.5+151~lucid1. This is my computer at work and it is behind an http proxy. I couldn't find anywhere ...
jmbouffard's user avatar
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How do you get the association_id from the CC data dump?

I am working with Stack Exchange /users/ data and trying to get a user's "united" profile, to see what sites they're active in other than the queried site. As an example: http://...
WBT's user avatar
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FAQ's URL for any SE Site?

Since I cannot find anything relevant in the API (I guess /stats endpoint would be most relevant): Is it safe to assume that every SE Site has its FAQ at location: site_url/faq ?
piobyz's user avatar
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Using the API directly from JavaScript

Is there any way I can use the API directly from JavaScript without any Server side proxy? I know of the inter-domain restrictions, but can we do it somehow in case of facebook API right?
mihsathe's user avatar
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Sort options explained

I have read the doc here but I'm quite confusing because I still don't understand the semantic behind each options. Would you like to detail the different options ? activity (default) votes creation ...
Stephan's user avatar
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Make API query to only one Stack Exchange site

Is there a way to limit a /search or a /similar query to a specific site or sites?
swasheck's user avatar
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StackApplet and AskUbuntu

Two questions: Whenever one clicks on the "Ask Ubuntu" in the StackApplet's menu it opens (where ### is the user's id number), but there is no such ...
Vadim's user avatar
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How do I grab the CSV from a Data Explorer URL?

I'm building an app that works by users punching in big lists of questions. And I want them to be able to use the Data Explorer to create these lists. My preferred way of getting the data would be a ...
Stefano Palazzo's user avatar
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Getting API hits remaining

Probably having a brain fart, but I couldn't see a way to get the number of API hits remaining. I know that the limit is 10k per day (I'm using an API key) but because of hte way my app works it would ...
Blank's user avatar
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API Time zone difference problem

I am writing a .NET application with the Stack Exchange API (using the Stacky library) and I am using it to ask the server for some questions that occured in the last hour. However, I and the server ...
Seth Carnegie's user avatar
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Better way to find activity changes in terms of API Usage

I am coding an application that notifies events in Stack Exchange accounts. I want to notify about badges/reputation changes, and also I would like to notify whenever a new answer or comment is posted ...
ernie's user avatar
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How to license applications?

I registered on few days ago. I have written several applications that I want to place on this site. But I have a question -- how can I license my applications?
ViTo Brothers's user avatar
9 votes
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List all tags in use on stackoverflow

I am trying to list all tags used on stackoverflow here: and I cannot seem to list all. How do I do it?.
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