All Questions
Manual Draft Save - Save a draft on demand
This small script adds a save button to the editor bar that allows you to instantly save the contents of the editor as a draft. Although this happens automatically every minute or so, now you can f…
Pretty StackOverflow
This userscript provides a prettier interface to StackOverflow. (Click for larger image) Installation Stylebot page Userscript install link It also hides notifications. To bring them back, y… Enhancer (sticky top bars)
Makes the grey Stack Exchange bar and a shrunken logo bar sticky to the top of the window.
Display a clock in the user bar
This user script adds a clock on the user bar next to the search box.
No Answering: prevent answering questions
Do you answer too many questions on stack sites? Does answering questions put you into a cycle of debating with people you'd rather not be spending time on? Then this app is for you. It does one…
Change Unanswered tab to Review
This is (allegedly) going to be implemented by the team sometime anyway. But just in case, and so you can play with it, here is a script which replaces the 'Unanswered' tab with 'Review'. NEW - att…
Stack Overflow Tag Manager
Hides or fades questions on the home page and main question list which have specified ignored tags; highlights questions which have interesting tags. Preferences are applied in real-time.
Disable enter for submitting comments
This user script disables the default behavior of the enter key submitting a comment. With this script installed, you must explicitly click the Add Comment button to submit your comment. Source …
Make active tab default on StackApps
This script changes the logo link to the active tab and redirects from the home page to it on StackApps. If you want to see the list of apps, you can still do this by clicking the apps tab. Made by…
Question Dashboard (Greasemonkey Script)
Question Dashboard for (plus meta, serverfault and superuser) - page analyzed and indicators shown at the top of the question, just under the title, for key information. Downloads…
Threaded comments
Display comments on questions and answers in conversation threads instead of linearly
Code Golf UserScript Enhancement Pack
This small UserScript is designed to enhance the Code Golf SE site by making it easier to see the length of each entry and the current winner as far as smallest code size goes. As the script grew …
OBSOLETE - Add Timeline and Revisions links
Add revision links, and timeline links on all questions post menus
A way to keep the "user bar" on the top of the site stuck there ~ StickyBar
Stick the userbar to the top of the window
VoteCounts: bookmarklet to display up/down votes even for rep less than 1000
This small bookmarklet will allow anyone to use the "vulnerability" of the API that it allows you to check the up/down vote count - a feat you could normally achieve by being a 1k+rep user. Mainly …
Hide all pointless user data (avatar, badges, and reputation)
Hide pointless user data on When I look at answers, I often take the user's reputation points into account on whether I upvote them or not. This is a terribly bad thing to do as yo…