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9 votes
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Getting "application not configured for implicit grants" error trying to setup website

I had a developer setup StackExchange auth for a site last year and that still works fine. I have cloned that site and am in the process of changing out all of the relevant names and keys to the new ...
Lizza's user avatar
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3 answers

Stack Exchange userscript template / boilerplate

I find it annoying to have to type the entire list of Stack Exchange sites to include every single time I make a new userscript. Furthermore, jQuery isn't automatically included by default. Is there ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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Javascript SDK channelUrl for local development [duplicate]

I am trying to get started with the Javascript SDK. I am developing on a web server on my local machine. I get a channelUrl-related error when calling SE.init. My code: SE.init({ clientId: ...
joews's user avatar
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What write in app access for sending data

Here is my app's code: However, I get this error:
Никита Башенко's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to use the StackExchange object on a userscript?

This object seems to be available in all Stack Exchange pages and contains interesting information about the actual page, site, user, among others. Just type StackExchange on the console to check it ...
brasofilo's user avatar
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How do I get a GreaseMonkey/UserScript to interact with the Live Preview?

I've converted a script that I hope to get embedded on a StackExchange site (Lego Answers) to a GreaseMonkey/Userscript but I'd like to get it interacting with the live preview when creating or ...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
3 votes
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Help with javascript SDK configuration

The following problem is REAL! All names have been changed to protect the innocent. I have a site at "" And I have my app configured like ...
Jack Sprat's user avatar