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Documentation describing fields for api stack exchange

When I looked through the StackExchange documentation, I didn't find any documentation describing the fields. I have to study the request and response for a long time in order to understand why this ...
Murad Akhmedov's user avatar
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Improve design of the Documentation's 404 page

The 404 page of the documentation has a rather awkward design; for example, a different header than other pages, and no footer. Can it be updated?
Glorfindel's user avatar
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PLACEHOLDER - A post to register my app posting

PLACEHOLDER - Just a post to register my app.
Peter Pan's user avatar
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Uncaught channelUrl must be under the current domain

I'm developing a Stack Chrome extension that will make use of the API. I'm following the instructions on the API docs here. My OAuth and host websites are set to in my Stack Apps ...
Joe Moore's user avatar
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Difference in results between parameters Tagged or Q

If I make a request using the "tagged" parameter, the returned results are more that if I make the same request with the same tags but using the "q" parameter. Notice that the ...
micpob's user avatar
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Tagged parameter not working as described in documentation

In the documentation it is reported that the tagged parameter in the request URL should work like this: tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least one will be present on all ...
micpob's user avatar
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Typo in API docs /numbers) The motivation for this is to prevent any unpleasant floating point confusion, especially across technologies that offering different floating point ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
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Clarify read-only vs. write operations for Teams in documentation

The API page about Stack Overflow for Teams says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Where do I look for a new-to-the-network technical-overview introduction to what a script/app/etc. basically is, incl. differences between them?

Where do I look for a new-to-the-network technical-overview introduction to what a script/app/etc. basically is, including differences between them? Basically, I'm looking for onboarding documentation ...
Ayer AGG'TDd'E-A's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I search answer bodies for Markdown links?

The /search/excerpt query enables searching answers for specific text, but searching for Markdown links returns results that don't seem to match the query at all. For instance, the following query ...
tony19's user avatar
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Add API method for network-wide search

Just like has a networkwide search, it would be nice to have an equivalent of excerpt-search which searches the entire network at once. That would save me 360 calls (per-site metas ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Browsing method documentation consumes 4 quota units per page

Is it my imagination (scratch that, it's definitely not), or does simply browsing method doc pages (without using the "Run" function) consume quota? From Bash using httpie and jq (on a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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Update Teams API documentation to reflect dependency on tier

The documentation says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private Teams. This is slightly ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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When using the Advanced Search API endpoint, how soon after the edit grace period is question data updated?

I'm using the Questions Advanced Search API to retrieve Stack Overflow questions with a specific tag that were created in the last 15 minutes. I've written a script which runs every fifteen minutes ...
Adil B's user avatar
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Search by team API - want to have same query results in site

I just want to have same query result like did. I read this post:Searching on Stack Overflow and using the API give different results?. looks like /search/excerpts is the right ...
user12842165's user avatar
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Garbage (litter) filters - delete custom filters from the "more" dropdown

About Garbage (litter) filters is a userscript that allows users to delete custom filters from the top dropdown directly without scrolling down to the "custom filters" sidebar. Inspired by ...
0Valt's user avatar
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Formatting and formatted content is missing for body in search excerpts call

The body returned by the search excerpts call seems to omit formatting and sometimes even formatted content. Example calls follow for this question: Does `inquestion` support multiple question ids? ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Add a color highlight to closed questions in the question lists

Screenshot / Code Snippet Adds a color highlight to closed questions. Inspired on a question asked by Hakan Fıstık About The script will highlight the close reason found at the end of a question ...
rene's user avatar
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Discrepancy in results size

I just started using the Stack Overflow API. I want to collect all questions related to a specific keyword. My code iterates over all result pages by increasing the &page=N parameter while '...
Tobias's user avatar
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Bugs in API 2.2 "/search/advanced" with a "q" parameter

How can we handle these problems? Result for sort=relevance&order=desc is similar to sort=relevance&order=desc. Very poor caching system: After some queries, you may receive the same results ...
C2121's user avatar
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Is there any way to get questions by tag with excerpt?

I'm checking how I can embed the search for one project. Basically I want something like this page. With the search I can get the list of questions with all meta data from the search, however the ...
rekire's user avatar
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Unable to post a comment using the interactive API documentation

I'm trying to to integrate the Stack Exchange API in my application. I'm trying the authentication but when I got the token and used it it gave a write_access issue. That issue was resolved when I ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
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Wrong sorting parameter in documentation for question/{ids}/answers

It looks like that in the question/{ids}/answers documentation, there is a mistake: votes – score Shouldn't this be votes – votes
Luca Bartoletti's user avatar
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Is the way to search answers by who I voted for? [duplicate]

I found few similar questions: first, second. But answers is too old (2014 year). It's actual now — no way to get this info by using API?
rndev's user avatar
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Stack Exchange search API not returning results with min, max vote count

Query to search for all question with perl6 tag created between Oct 1 - Oct 5 2019. I'm sorting the results by votes. /2.2/search?fromdate=1569888000&todate=1570233600&order=desc&sort=...
Thiyagu's user avatar
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Stack Overflow View - Visual Studio code extension

About: This is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows developers to search Stack Overflow inside of the text editor, to quickly access answers and view questions. Screenshot / Code Snippet: ...
arkade's user avatar
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What happened to the links to a Stack App mentioned in the documentation about write access?

The documentation about write access states: The application responsible for creating content via the API may be indicated with a link to an app's Stack Apps post. The exact manner of display is ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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List /network-activity methods under Network Methods in the documentation

The API methods /users/{id}/network-activity and /me/network-activity, both return a summary of a user's activity across the Stack Exchange network and do not take a site parameter. They are ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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The authentication doc gives a wrong domain for authentication

The authentication doc page now lists URL's like: etc. While these seem to work, the correct domain is, ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
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How to search ALL sites with the advanced API?

I can make a request to Stack Overflow as follows, which searches with keywords in titles:     /2.2/search/advanced?title=vlookup%20index%20match&site=stackoverflow My question is ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Is there a SQL-like query for the API?

I've looked at the API docs. However, I haven't found a way to do complex queries through the API such as I can do in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer query editor (select, joins etc). Example: data....
user3517546's user avatar
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"Javascript" typo on documentation pages

On page Usage of /sites, it should be JavaScript, not Javascript, in the right sidebar: This obviously also applies to (most/all) API documentation pages, since they share the sidebar.
Peter Mortensen's user avatar
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Strange pagination behaviour of /search/excerpts [duplicate]

In an attempt to (automatically) restore broken images* which have originally been included as HTTP links, I've tried to use /search/excerpts to look for candidate posts; specifically, I'm setting the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Please "release" and/or document API version 2.3

I was playing around a bit with Fiddler to capture traffic from the Stack Exchange iOS app. To my surprise, it uses version 2.3 of the Stack Exchange API: I noticed here that it has some extra ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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.wrapper not sorted correctly in filter edit popup

When editing the filter, e.g. on this API documentation page, all types are sorted alphabetically except for .wrapper which is always shown below answer, instead of above it (or at the end): ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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9 votes
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Typos in API documentation

From the /posts documentation: Most applications should use the question or answer specific methods, but /posts is available for those rare cases where any activity is of intereset. intereset => ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to query the Stack Exchange API using an OR operator?

I want to query Stack Exchange by title including optional keywords (one of). How can I query by OR operator? For example: /search/advanced?page=1&tagged=java&q=title:http OR class&...
user3712353's user avatar
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What are the top level question & answer localized flag_option titles?

For the SE API, the endpoints dealing with flags (e.g. /questions/{id}/flags/options) return the flag_option type. However, the option_id values are explicitly stated as being unstable, but it's ...
Makyen's user avatar
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Can the API Edit a Question, changing only one field?

The documentation for the edit question method (/questions/{id}/edit) is somewhat vague. Are all of the parameters required? For example, if the only field I want to change in the question is tags, ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
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Docs say the API returns a user's age, but it doesn't (anymore)

The doc page says that the user object returns an age property (for those users that specified an age). But the API  no  longer  does.   (Plus spot checks of users that had age in ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
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Can we pull posts out of Stack Overflow based on tags?

Instead of directly searching the posts and reading on the Stack Overflow website, can we pull out posts in the form of pdf/txt file? I want to learn (say like programming: c or python) some real ...
natarajan k's user avatar
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Paging fails at 10K items for /search on any site but Stack Overflow

There's a problem with requesting more than 10,000 items. With Stack Overflow it works just fine. But with Super User, Server Fault, etc. no items are returned for requests for items after the 10,...
Y. Evers's user avatar
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Spelling mistake in API Documentation's "Authentication" page

Can you find the spelling mistake in "Unregistered Users" (last section) of the Authentication page? In case you're not in the mood for games, here is it: This is actually a correct spelling - of ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
4 votes
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My filter is not returning any results. How to create a minimal filter?

I'm having trouble getting the SO API Filters to cooperate. I've gone over the documentation as well as similar questions like this and this. I'll use this call as an example since it successfully ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
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Search incomplete synonym name

Is there is way to search synonym when user is inputting the name. Something like how things work in SO's tag search page. j2se is a synonym of java tag, but it appears in search when searching for ...
a1626's user avatar
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Reputation-based filter for search results

This userscript filters search results on Stack Exchange sites by reputation of the asker. To use it, add a search parameter such as is:25 where 25 is the minimum reputation required. Since the search ...
user avatar
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What does "in practice" mean here?

From /answers/{id}/delete: In practice, this method will never return an object. For me, "in practice" means that the method will maybe return an object. But why? That's not good from an ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
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"users" link lands on the answer page

On the /users/moderators documentation site, the following link is wrong: This method returns a list of users. The users link mistakenly points to the answers object instead of to the users object....
Rakete1111's user avatar
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Authorization dialog shows wrong API version

If you go on this doc page and click on Get Token, you'll see this: Minor bug, but still, I thought it would be nice to fix this inconsistency :)
Rakete1111's user avatar
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Stack Search - Chrome extension

Stack Search is the chrome extension you’ve always dreamed of! Stack Search adds to your Google Search results a filtered set of the most relevant answers from your top trusted coding sources: ...
Dkova's user avatar
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