This userscript filters search results on Stack Exchange sites by reputation of the asker. To use it, add a search parameter such as is:25
where 25 is the minimum reputation required. Since the search engine interprets is:number
as allowing both questions and answers, be sure to have something else that restricts the results to questions: for example, is:q
does this in the query
is:q intags:mine is:25
(means: questions with my favorite tags, asked by users with 25+ reputation). Other parameters such as closed:0
or answers:0
implicitly restrict the results to answers, eliminating the need for is:q
The reason this script overloads is:
parameter instead of introducing something like rep:
is that an unrecognized parameter would be treated as text to search for.
Sample query: newest Stack Overflow questions with no answers, within your favorite tags, with asker's reputation 25+.
The script uses Stack Exchange API: one API call per search page load. Since it simply hides some of the search results, one might end up with an empty page. It's best to have page size = 50 in search and set a moderate reputation requirement.
is:q intags:mine is:4000
does not return questions whose OP has 4000 rep.:-(