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Why is no_expiry "strongly advised against"?

In the docs on user auth, it says This request is responded to with either an error (HTTP status code 400) or an access token of the form access_token=...&expires=1234. expires will only be set ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
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oauth 2.0 based on stackexchange api and fetch user details

I am new to oauth 2.0. What i am trying to achieve is following I have a google api based oauth authentication in place On top I fetch the gmail email address and verify if this address is present in ...
Arka Mallick's user avatar
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Load answers to a question with review-like wrapper HTML

I'm trying to implement this feature request in SOUP, but I'm having trouble figuring out a good way to actually load the answers. I can just load the full question page (like this one, for example) ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
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Does anyone have a script that lets you log in to chat server side?

There doesn't seem to be any sort of API for chat. I'm working on creating one, however I'm stuck at the login bit. How can I get Python (or some other server side language) to log in to chat? The ...
Manishearth's user avatar
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How many simultaneous queries may I make of the same Stack Exchange API?

I've been playing with some of the APIs that have paged results. I've been doing a first call with pagesize=0 to determine how many pages there are then running a loop querying each page. In my case ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How to search my threads based on some key words?

As I have already many threads in some StackExchange sites, sometime I would like to be able to search among them, for instance, based on some key words. Does anyone know how to do that? Thank you!
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Timeline results contain redundant information?

Can I get a confirmation that the response /users/{id}/timeline contains redundant information, namely: If the action is: | Then the timeline_type is always: -------------------+---------------------...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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Can I download the executable for any developed or listed application that developed using SO API?

I saw the StackList and the apps. May I know How can I use those applications? Can I use it ? Are they opensource? Can I download the executable for any developed or listed application that ...
Senthil's user avatar
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Are there any webhooks for detecting changes/updates? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can we have some sort of notification system? Have you looked at adding any webhooks so applications don't need to continually poll for changes?
Eric Bloch's user avatar
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How to calculate rank; local to site and globally?

With the available data points, how would you rank users, both on a site basis as well as globally? Right now I am simply sorting on reputation desc, creation_date, user_id, display_name. This ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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I was building an irc bot with the stackapps api and...

So I was building an irc bot from scratch. I had named it sobot. Did the first test run and guess what? There's already an irc bot by that name. So what I am asking is: Am i paddling in the wrong ...
theplic's user avatar
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In question/timeline api all votes have the same timestamp... is it intentional?

In question/timeline api all votes actions have the same timestamp in creation_date... is it intentional?
Michal's user avatar
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Creating plug-ins with StackApps which can be used on a per-user basis.

Facebook developers can create applications which run inside Facebook. For example, the Graffiti app adds a button to the New wall item popup, and has its own pages inside Facebook. What if we could ...
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why is badge counts a nested structure?

conclusion a very short dialog with systempunotout showed me that I could look at this another way that makes a nested structure make perfect sense. the q remains for reference. This should be ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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/users/{id}/badges id parameter clarification

On /users/{id}/badges, the description of the id parameter a semicolon delimited list of user ids diverges from the inferred standard for multi-valued parameters: A single primary key identifier or ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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`type=jsontext` JSON results for help pages

It would greatly simplify machine reading if we could apply type=jsontext to API help pages, including the index. Update: Here's an unofficial JSON schema for v1.x.
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Position required parameters at the top of help pages

The required id parameter for ...a lot of API routes... is now placed at the bottom of the page. It makes more sense to place required parameters at the top of the page with a slight separation, like ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Do tags have "Id" field?

According to help page, there is no "Id" field. But I am just wondering if there id "Id" field for tags, can we get it through API too?
YOU's user avatar
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Why are Stack Exchange API methods named like this

I'm curious about . I looked up and studied the naming convention to make a REST api. I've seen that in the naming convention, don't use verbs and in the case of the ...
JuSeong Moon's user avatar
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I don't think this tag was [release]d properly

The release tag seems redundant. Let's review it for burnination: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous? No, it doesn't. We already have tags ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Hidden page tracks Read/Unread Inbox items better than API or Inbox?

How does this hidden page ( know which Inbox notifications I have/haven't opened? Both the drop-down inbox and the API (ie, seem ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
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Get all questions of a particular tag in API 2.2 in PHP

I'm trying to get all the questions for documentation on Meta Stack Overflow in PHP. The code I'm using is as follows: <?php $feed = file_get_contents('
Panda's user avatar
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Stack Exchange App for Windows 7

I was just wondering If anyone had made a Stack Exchange app for Windows 7 like can be accomplished in Chrome but without needing to have any software like Chrome installed. If such an app does not ...
NoviceUbuntuGeek's user avatar
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(Unofficial) Stack Overflow, Windows Phone app forgets its place when sleeping

Sometimes, when I'm reading a question on this (unofficial) Stack Overflow, Windows Phone app, the phone goes to sleep. When I wake it up, it's forgotten I was reading a question, and has gone back to ...
Sankarann's user avatar
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Has someone implemented code(in javascript) to get last seven days consolidated reputation thorough API?

I am trying to get user's reputation for last seven days. I want to get total reputation user has earned on specific day. Has someone implemented a way to do this in javascript? I know I can do this ...
Nikhil N's user avatar
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Stack over flow stack graph?

What is the most popular language on the last 100 stackoverflow's questions ? This page provide you a visualization of stackoverflow's last questions sort by the 10 most popular tags. http://www....
user830533's user avatar
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How should we announce updates to our apps, scripts, libraries, etc?

Is there a recommended best way to let the stackapps community know that we've released an updated version of one of our projects? We can edit the project's page and bump the version number, but this ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Is there an open provider implementation for oAuth 2.0 used by StackExchange sites?

I notice that there is an oAuth endpoint for the stackexchange API: The OpenID implementation used by StackExchange is open sourced at https://code....
David d C e Freitas's user avatar
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Has anyone made a wordpress plugin for stack api?

Just wondering if as it would be nice to put a widget on a wordpress post that allows people to add new questions and answer them right there in the blog.
Joseph White's user avatar
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Using Stack API for a Forum?

I don't know if this is the right stack site to ask this... Would it be possible to build a forum using the stack API? Would it even make sense?
Keith Barrows's user avatar
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I am planning to build a Windows 7 gadget for Stack Exchange.

Hello, I am planning to start development of a windows 7 gadget for stack exchange.Specifically stack overflow. I would like some guidance, on where to get good designs, HCI patterns, etc for the ...
Neeraj's user avatar
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Locked vs Closed

Whats the difference between locked and closed API wise. What I mean is why is this question locked: But this one ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Any CSS ninjas want to help me style my sample app?

I really am horrible at CSS. I am making a SO clone example application that will eventually consume as much of the StackOverflow.Net API as possible. Although it is a clone, I am not expecting it to ...
TheHurt's user avatar
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Truly unanswered questions

Clicking "unanswered" shows you questions w/o ACCEPTED (upvoted) answers, but has someone written a script/site that shows you questions w/ NO answers, upvoted or otherwise? It seems easy to code ...
user avatar
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Does an access using the API count towards the user's consecutive days total?

Supposing I knock up a quick Python script that uses Py-StackExchange (or similar) to visit stackoverflow, retrieve a recent question, etc.; and then run a cron job to do this a couple of times a day.....
Vicky's user avatar
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Searching answers with API

I'm very new to the API and I was looking for a way to get answers of a user. E.g. something like if you click on a tag in your tags section of your profile. For questions this seems to be quiet easy ...
rekire's user avatar
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Is there an app to monitor reputation and new answers/comments?

Is there a desktop app that will alert me when my reputation changes, and when I have a new answer or comment on any of my questions?
Lea Cohen's user avatar
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r.e. /stats fields.

I see we are getting some meta data in stats now. This is good. I see the api path in there, but I have to assume that it is simply part of the record that is being output and is not intended as a ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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API v2.1 supports write access, but is anyone using it?

Over the weekend, I attended an NHS "Hackday" where we tried to solve a problem one of the junior doctors brought. We hacked together a stack exchange alternative for medical doctors to ask questions. ...
JonJ's user avatar
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A way to mimic the "share a link to this answer" dialog from a user script?

I would like to make a browser "user script" (like Greasemonkey etc) that can pop open a window with a text field for the user to select and copy so they can paste it elsewhere. I want to match the ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Which of the Ruby libraries/wrappers for the Stack Exchange API is most complete?

There seem to be a number of Ruby libraries: Pilha or Rubyoverflow. Has anyone used either of these? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Which is more actively maintained?
Ziggy's user avatar
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Seamless authentication between my site and StackOverflow

I'm planning on using WS-Trust and SAML to authenticate users to my site and haven't really explored other options. What should I learn (or do) to enable a mostly seamless end user transition from my ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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What about actually identical requests?

Now, it says here that I should not make lots of semantically equivalent requests. It also says that there is a lot of caching. So I was wondering, what about exactly identical requests. Should I wait ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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client-side extension to remember personal voting history

As far as I can reconstruct, the user profile once had a votes tab, where anyone could see their own votes. That functionality was removed at some point, and is unlikely to return. Reference: https:/...
HugoRune's user avatar
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Where are stackoverflow buttons/widgets?

I'm building a simple paste app for long error logs ( A user can post error logs and descriptions of them. Now I want to add a Stack Overflow button or any widget so that the ...
Ronnie Beltran's user avatar
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Site Icon Hash in

How do I cache the images properly, I think asked this somewhere before, but it hasn't affected me until gameing site went out of beta. It's HTTP headers or something isn't Ok I used George's answer ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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site status: Closed_beta

Will stackauth ever show a site as closed_beta? Is there much point if it's closed?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Delay from editing question to seeing the edit in API

Sure a delay of about a minute is not much, but when you consider that if you post a question the API sees it immediately, and often something using the API is ahead of the stackoverflow site, then it ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Scratch Pad Wiki Question

This q is for use by anyone who needs to modify, add or delete an answer or to modify the q to update the last_activity field. Leave this description, but otherwise have at it.
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/questions/tagged/{tags} - tags param clarification

This API method has been removed as of Jul 16 '10. The original question is preserved below for posterity. It is not clear what a "list" of {tags} looks like. Does this parameter follow the ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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