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Questions tagged [release]

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3 votes
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Stackviewer iOS Application

Stackviewer is a beautiful and easy-to-use custom Stack Overflow client where software developers of any kind can find answers to their everyday challenges. Browse through millions of questions with a ...
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How should we announce updates to our apps, scripts, libraries, etc?

Is there a recommended best way to let the stackapps community know that we've released an updated version of one of our projects? We can edit the project's page and bump the version number, but this ...
hippietrail's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Do I need permission to use the SE API for a commercial app?

I recently developed a mobile app using the publicly available API of one of the Stack Exchange sites. Do I need to obtain permission from Stack Exchange before releasing the app to the public? Can I ...
bp581's user avatar
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4 votes
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Drafting users for testing in Alpha/Beta stage?

I finally stopped stagnating long enough to start working on an application for Stack Apps using the API. Development is going well and within the next 6 to 8 weeks there will be enough functionality ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar