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Questions tagged [chatbot]

A chatbot is an automated program that sends, and/or responds to, chat messages.

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Toasty: A better chat antifreeze bot

Toasty is an antifreeze bot for the Stack Exchange chat system. It automatically sends messages in low-activity rooms to keep the system from freezing them for inactivity. Toasty is usable by any u…

Sloshy the Thawman: A simple bot for keeping Stack{Overflow,Exchange} chat rooms alive

On and, chat rooms will freeze after some two weeks of inactivity. While this is fine and status-bydesign, some rooms are worth keep…

Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your h…

NAABot - Bot which finds and flags problematic answers on Stack Overflow

Description The aim of this project is to write a simple bot which will monitor all new answers posted on Stack Overflow and flag the ones which are not answers in accordance to the guidelines outl…

PLACEHOLDER: Typo Finder Bot (Stack Overflow)

This is a post is to announce the development of a bot (which will be running on the account Secretary), whose task is to find posts in need of some formatting/editing help. The goal is to use a co…

Rodgort - A tool for managing burninations on Stack Overflow

This project is no longer maintained. One instance is hosted by Das_Geek which controls this user, but minimal support is available. Rodgort What is this? A project created by the team in SOBoti…

Generic Bot – A Moderation Chatbot

Generic Bot is a chatbot meant to help with moderation tasks on Stack Overflow. You can find the bot in the SOBotics chatroom. Flag Tracker (Userscript) When you flag a post, this userscript wi…

RTFM: a discord bot which runs code and queries documentations

This post is to ensure the bot described can use the API with a key ; it can search questions from any SE website This bot is still in development. However a stable version is already running 24/7…

FireAlarm: detecting low-quality questions with machine learning

There are two versions of FireAlarm. One version is written in C, and the other is written in Swift. This post is about the Swift version. FireAlarm is a chatbot Ashish Ahuja and I have been …

Stackb0t | Messenger chatbot for Stack Overflow

It sends unread inbox + reputation changes in Messenger once registered. Why did I create it? Who is it for? I've been addicted to the platform for a while now. But, knowing whether someone asked …

WelcomeBot - a bot to welcome you

WelcomeBot A Stack Exchange chatbot written in Python that uses ChatExchange. Many parts of this were modeled after SmokeDetector, another Stack Exchange chatbot. Features Welcomes new users …

SE Chat Flagger Bot

This is a bot that sits in the MSE tavern. What does it do? Smokey sends in a spam report. You reply tp with a reason and it will flag the post accordingly. NOTES: This does not flag based on ho…

SE-Chatbot, a bot for the chat rooms

I created a chat bot for the Stack Exchange chat rooms. The bot is open-source and the code is hosted on GitHub. The bot is licensed under CPOL (The Code Project Open License) v1.02. You can find…

ChatBot, a bot. For the chat

Lurks in the shadows of the chat. It executes commands at the request of the user, sending messages as the user who runs it. You can talk to it the StackOverflow SandBox room if you want to play (…

v0.0.0, Zirak

RebolBot - a chat bot for the chat rooms

RebolBot is a helpful little robot that will take natural English commands to do your bidding in chat rooms

v0.0.33, Graham Chiu

ThirdPlace JavaScript chat library

ThirdPlace.js is a library which abstracts some of the concepts of the SE Chat system (the "Third Place") into easy to use JavaScript objects.

v0.5a, Josh