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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between the API search and the search from within the site?

I'm curious if the search results from the API is calculated the same way as the searches from within the sites themselves? Is there a difference between the two? If so, what are the differences?
6 votes
1 answer

API Inconsistencies

In my opinion, one of the hallmarks of a good API is that it is self-consistent. It establishes easy-to-remember conventions and then follows them. As I'm trying to adopt the 2.0 API, I'm finding ...
127 votes
4 answers

StackPrinter: The Stack Exchange Printer Suite

UPDATE: Version 1.1 - MySE section, PrettyPrint, StackPrinter API Screenshots: App Homepage Printable view Logo: StackPrinter is a website that pulls the main details ...
11 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - Dragon: an automatic editor

OBSOLETE: No longer maintained, and I haven't used it for ages either. May or may not work as long as v2 of the API remains supported Screenshot My revision history currently contains a lot of ...
4 votes
1 answer

Unable to sort /search results by creation_date

I think I may have stumbled upon a bug in /search and I'll try to describe it as best as I can. What works: Create a /search query with the following parameters: fromdate: 2012-01-24 order: desc ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?
2 votes
0 answers

How to get user information of Stack Overflow?

I'm currently using the Stack Overflow API to get a user's information (via Stack Exchange). Is it possible with the Stack Overflow API to get user details?
3 votes
1 answer

Getting global information (Stack Exchange) about a list of users

I'm working with the API for several weeks (see my app here) and I'm trying to get the username of a particular user from its Stack Exchange ID. It's possible by querying /users/{ids} but it returns ...
13 votes
2 answers

ChatterBox - user script that adds inbox integration to Stack Exchange Chat!

Screenshot / Code Snippet About I like Stack Exchange Chat, and with the feedbots it tends to be pretty easy to keep up with what's going on with the site. Except for one thing - my inbox. So I wrote ...
5 votes
1 answer

StatsExchange - low friction, API-based statistics generator

##Screenshot / Code Snippet ##About StatsExchange is an application that's designed to leverage the filtering and data reporting features of the Stack Exchange API. With StatsExchange, you can ...
1 vote
0 answers

/oauth/access_token not redirecting back to my redirect_uri

I am trying to implement Stack Exchange using oAuth 2.0. I am able to get CODE but, when I try to get access_token through this code: <?php if(isset($_GET['code'])) { ?> <form method="...
19 votes
3 answers

StackGeography, a Stack Exchange question mapping site

Screenshot / Code Snippet (source: About Ever wanted to see just what kind of locations are posting to the various Stack Exchange sites at any given time? Even if you haven't, you'll find ...
2 votes
1 answer

The /questions endpoint only returns around 30,000 items where 400,000 are expected

I use stackr library and I registered an api key as the library mentions "since it increases your daily quota of queries from 300 to 10,000." So I use the following code, which worked fine ...
2 votes
1 answer

Main Stack Exchange network site API

The original Stack Exchange app has this cool feature where you can browse hot question from the entire network. But at the current state I am not able to see a “Stack Exchange” site listed in the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange API in Chrome extension

How I can connect my extension to the API? I tried to use this example code for connecting: SE.init({ clientId: 1, key: '?', channelUrl: '?', complete: function (data) { alert('...
149 votes
9 answers

StinkingBadges - Track your progress towards long-term badges

Introduction I was curious how far away I was from Generalist, and there are some data explorer queries that can show you your progress, but I thought it should be possible to make this work with the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Serel returns a JSON Parse error for the 'C#' tag

When I try requesting the tag c# via Serel, I get an error. This is the error I am getting: INFO][2013-02-25 02:06:42] Making request to /2.0/tags/c#/info?site=stackoverflow&key=mykey JSON::...
6 votes
1 answer

How are filters created?

Can someone explain how Filters are created in the Stackexchange v2 API? The documentation mentions the following for /filters/create: It is not expected that many applications will call this method ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I find all questions/answers per a tag?

Would also be good if I could also find the top questions/answers in a particular tag - i.e. questions tagged with Ruby or PHP. Per the docs the only thing I can see that will return questions in a ...
30 votes
0 answers

Belisarius - Detecting vandalism on Stack Overflow

Background: This bot has been developed in an attempt to help capture possible vandalism. This includes: Removing all code Replacing all content with nonsense/repeated words Adding solutions to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Has someone implemented code(in javascript) to get last seven days consolidated reputation thorough API?

I am trying to get user's reputation for last seven days. I want to get total reputation user has earned on specific day. Has someone implemented a way to do this in javascript? I know I can do this ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any API to support creating a new question on stackoverflow? [duplicate]

I know there is api for stackoverflow. It looks like the APIs are read-only, supporting the Get/Search operation. Is there any API to support creating a new question on stackoverflow?
4 votes
1 answer

Why is my quota constantly decreasing?

I registered an app today (API v2) for the first time (App ID 47, LaServ), and let it run a bit with its new key. It's the only API app running on this IP (I rent the IP as part of a VPS package). ...
12 votes
1 answer

Add close-vote information to the questions object

Would it be possible to add close/reopen vote information to the questions object? For example, you usually see something along the lines of: close (3) when a question has three (current) close-...
38 votes
2 answers

StacMan - .NET client for Stack Exchange API v2

Features Supports all Stack Exchange API V2 methods through version 2.1 Easy to use: one-to-one mapping between StacMan and API methods/params Async is easy: methods return Task<T> so they're ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I the question detail page and add comments like the Stack Exchange app?

Can we get the list of data when clicking on a specific question and display the question detail page like the Stack Exchange app? I can't find the API to get them so far, so I decided to display the ...
2 votes
1 answer

After which time span can my vote no longer change?

I came across a toast that appears when I try to change my vote that I made a few days ago. Is it documented somewhere after which time span you can no longer change your vote? Or does the API ...
1 vote
1 answer

access_token not present in /oauth/access_token response

When using the explicit OAuth authentication for apps, I have problems receiving the access_token. A user goes to /approve and is then forwarded to approve the app. When redirected back to my site I ...
3 votes
0 answers

OAuth Dialog rendering problems in iPad

I'm using the implicit OAuth flow for our native iPad app. We're calling the standard URLs in a UIWebView. The Stack Exchange login renders with several UI glitches. The first screen looks correct: (...
8 votes
1 answer

How to make a Stack Exchange API call, using my key

I have a Meteor application and I'm making API calls like: var urlString = ""+surl; ("GET", urlString, {params:{site:"stackoverflow"}}, function (...
54 votes
9 answers

OBSOLETE - New Q! - Google Chrome Extension notifies you of new questions of interest and inbox messages

Obsolete. Code last updated 7 years ago. Chrome store links are long dead. Source code still available though. Screenshots A new question notification in Chrome 6 in Windows XP A new answer and ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is there any support for Area 51 in the new API?

Does the new API support Area 51? Will there be support in the future?
14 votes
2 answers

Get favorited tags of user

This was requested in 1 and declined because of a missing authentication method. Now that authentication is in place, is there a way to retrieve the favorited tags of a user (myself)?
15 votes
1 answer

Unable to get access token

I am trying to get a non-expiry access token, like so:{{some_uri}}&client_id={{some_value}} I am repeatedly getting the error: ...
17 votes
1 answer

List of Votes by Authenticated users

In the API documentation for the question type, it says that you can access, for a specific question, whether or not the authenticated user (in the private_info scope) upvoted/downvoted the question. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Add the 'people reached' count to the API?

Can we have the people reached statistic added to the /users/{ids} method? The response could simply be: "people_reached": 1000 I'm asking because it would be cool to get a network-wide number.
7 votes
1 answer

How to deal with the "Too Many Requests" error coming as HTML?

The API specifies error codes, and messages. It also specifies a "backoff" parameter. But, even while respecting the backoff and stopping at errors, and even when waiting a long time between requests ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do my users need to be logged in, for quota?

I am building an application and want to showcase relevant Stack Overflow questions. I have made the request and getting a response, but its responding with a quota value: "quota_max": 300, "...
4 votes
1 answer

API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Authentication uses # instead of `?`?

I need authentication for my app so I used the implicit flow way. The authentication works just fine but the access_token and expires variables return weirdly! For example:
18 votes
1 answer

StackImpact - What's your impact?

Screenshot About I like to make contributions to Stack Exchange, and in return I gain rep. However, I find that rep doesn't really tell the whole story about what my contributions mean to the site. ...
3 votes
2 answers

Python library for the StackExchange v2 API? [duplicate]

So I'm aware of Py-StackExchange and, but neither covers the v2.0 API. Does anyone know of a Python library for the 2.0 API?
3 votes
1 answer

Why is "body" missing from certain inbox items?

I have run into some confusion over the presence of the body attribute in an inbox-item returned by the /inbox method. When item_type is set to "careers_invitations", the body attribute appears to be ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can you identify a user from the access_token?

I have the access_token after authentication from the user. At this point I don't know with which sites this user has registered. Is it possible to get user information like the display name or ...
6 votes
2 answers

StackExchange API Java SDK

This project aims to provide a Java wrapper to the Stack Exchange API. SDK supports Stack Exchange API V2.2 Getting Started There are two interfaces to the library. Query Interface Facade ...
14 votes
1 answer

Give us a site's API name in the list of a user's sites

In the /me/associated method, I get back a bunch of JSON - but the api_site_parameter name is nowhere to be found. Why? It's kind of important. Could we have it?
6 votes
1 answer

How to strip out certain fields from the Stack Exchange API, JSON response?

I want to fetch all my favorite questions on and dump them as JSON. I used this API path: /2.1/users/1310070/favorites?fromdate=1382486400&site=stackoverflow But it is ...
7 votes
1 answer

Application Key and AccessToken are not working for Stack Exchange API? [duplicate]

I have followed the documentation and used explicit OAuth 2.0 flow for access_token generation. And I have gone through all 4 steps defined under explicit OAuth 2.0 flow with scope=no_expiry. Then I ...
10 votes
1 answer

SEAPI - A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

About A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API v2.1. Built with Requests. Why yet another SE API Python wrapper? (I'm aware of Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack ...
13 votes
0 answers

Stack.JS - Powerful Event-driven Library for Accessing the Stack Exchange API in JavaScript.

About Stack.JS is the JavaScript equivalent of Stack.PHP and aims to replicate the request structure of that library as much as possible. The library is still a long ways from being complete but is ...

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