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Questions tagged [topbar]

For Stack Apps scripts that modify the top bar of Stack Exchange sites.

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Dismiss Announcement Banner

Automatically dismisses an announcement banner when you've dismissed it on another site

Top-navigation choices

Top navigation your way. Add new top bar options: Move drop-down buttons (left, right, center); adjust height; add a dark theme for SO/MSO; merge site-switcher with logo; global sticky; and more.

Top Bar for Chat Rooms

As of 1.12, thanks entirely to Shog9's efforts, this now works on Firefox as well as Chrome! Description: Provides a fully functional top bar, including realtime notifications, easy chat server …

v1.14.1, Jason C

StackOverflow Questions Remap (new nav)

Here's a quick userscript for Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey that lets you remap the Questions button in the new navbar (new as of 2017-02-14) to a different link. For example, if you like to read io…

Click to Search

This simple userscript adds a clickable search button to the Stack Exchange top bar, as the only current way to search is to press enter, which can be confusing for some. You can select one of two…

Banana Stand: Hide the green

Don't like your green rep notifications? Hide them completely with Banana Stand: Banana Stand User Script Download Link Alternatively, make the less intrusive with Banana Stand Lite: Banana St…

Stack Exchange Topbar Tools

It's the extensible userscript for customising that almost-black bar at the top of your screen.