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Questions tagged [search]

Questions about searching via the API, typically using the /search method.

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Bugs in API 2.2 "/search/advanced" with a "q" parameter

How can we handle these problems? Result for sort=relevance&order=desc is similar to sort=relevance&order=desc. Very poor caching system: After some queries, you may receive the same results ...
C2121's user avatar
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Advanced search API not returning data for "phonegap" tag

I am trying to gather results from the API for the tag phonegap but the API is not returning any data. I am using /search/advanced and get nothing back for November: { "items": [], "...
Rod Burns's user avatar
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Possible to get more than 5 tags for /search? Or to use or-logic, for tags, in /questions?

This is the query I want to run: /2.1/search?pagesize=100&page=1&order=desc&sort=creation&tagged=linux,ubuntu,bash,linux-mint,mint,linux-distributions,linux-distro,archlinux,&site=...
gyaani_guy's user avatar
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View count restriction isn't working for /search/advanced.

I have constructed the following URL, but the questions returned don't contain anywhere near 50k views, despite the query string parameter:
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Does Lucene back the API search now?

With the announcement that Lucene is being used for site searches does it cover the API as well?
carson's user avatar
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Is the way to search answers by who I voted for? [duplicate]

I found few similar questions: first, second. But answers is too old (2014 year). It's actual now — no way to get this info by using API?
rndev's user avatar
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Stack Exchange search API not returning results with min, max vote count

Query to search for all question with perl6 tag created between Oct 1 - Oct 5 2019. I'm sorting the results by votes. /2.2/search?fromdate=1569888000&todate=1570233600&order=desc&sort=...
Thiyagu's user avatar
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Max score with tagged works incorrectly for /questions, correctly for /search

When I look for questions tagged java from the first week of September 2014 with a minimum score of 10 like this: /2.2/questions?fromdate=1409529600&todate=1410134400&min=10&sort=votes&...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
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Is there a difference between the API search and the search from within the site?

I'm curious if the search results from the API is calculated the same way as the searches from within the sites themselves? Is there a difference between the two? If so, what are the differences?
James Mertz's user avatar
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Is there an app for searching Stack Overflow?

I was thinking about how I often use the Stack Overflow "ask a question" area as a search engine, rather than searching Google first. I know I'm more likely to find my answer by doing this. I was ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Greasemonkey Script: Show all results from a search, even if they would be hidden by your ignored tags

greasemonkey script to make it so no questions are hidden based on their tags when you are searching I'm currently ignoring the Perl tag because I don't know anything about it, but occasional I want ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
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Search by team API - want to have same query results in site

I just want to have same query result like did. I read this post:Searching on Stack Overflow and using the API give different results?. looks like /search/excerpts is the right ...
user12842165's user avatar
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How do I search for a specific question whose url I know?

I was wondering if there is a feature in the API that I could use to retrieve various features of a question on the Stack Exchange network when I know the actual URL of the question.
Sid's user avatar
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Is there a maximum on the number of search results returned (using the SO API)?

I was trying to do statistics on post from some not-too-popular tags like matlab, using the search method. It appears that it will never return a total larger than 2000. Is this a hard limit that ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Non-verbatim search strings in py-stackexchange

I am writing a python program with py-stackexchange that takes a query and returns a list of urls to questions with that query in the title. Here's the code: #!c:/Python27/python.exe -u import sys sys....
kjakeb's user avatar
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Is there any way to get questions by tag with excerpt?

I'm checking how I can embed the search for one project. Basically I want something like this page. With the search I can get the list of questions with all meta data from the search, however the ...
rekire's user avatar
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Is there a SQL-like query for the API?

I've looked at the API docs. However, I haven't found a way to do complex queries through the API such as I can do in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer query editor (select, joins etc). Example: data....
user3517546's user avatar
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Add API method for network-wide search

Just like has a networkwide search, it would be nice to have an equivalent of excerpt-search which searches the entire network at once. That would save me 360 calls (per-site metas ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Search links (Stack, Google, Symbolhound) next to the search box, for tab opening

Screenshot About Adds three links next to the search box. Allows to open the regular Stackoverflow search in a new tab, or search using Google, or Symbolhound. Proved useful to find duplicates. ...
mario's user avatar
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How to search ALL sites with the advanced API?

I can make a request to Stack Overflow as follows, which searches with keywords in titles:     /2.2/search/advanced?title=vlookup%20index%20match&site=stackoverflow My question is ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Can we pull posts out of Stack Overflow based on tags?

Instead of directly searching the posts and reading on the Stack Overflow website, can we pull out posts in the form of pdf/txt file? I want to learn (say like programming: c or python) some real ...
natarajan k's user avatar
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Strange pagination behaviour of /search/excerpts [duplicate]

In an attempt to (automatically) restore broken images* which have originally been included as HTTP links, I've tried to use /search/excerpts to look for candidate posts; specifically, I'm setting the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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-5 votes
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wrong results of api /search/advanced

I am querying for results of /search/advanced. The request I am sending is`key`&access_token=`access_token`&
amit jha's user avatar
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