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How do I search answer bodies for Markdown links?

The /search/excerpt query enables searching answers for specific text, but searching for Markdown links returns results that don't seem to match the query at all. For instance, the following query ...
tony19's user avatar
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Add API method for network-wide search

Just like has a networkwide search, it would be nice to have an equivalent of excerpt-search which searches the entire network at once. That would save me 360 calls (per-site metas ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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When using the Advanced Search API endpoint, how soon after the edit grace period is question data updated?

I'm using the Questions Advanced Search API to retrieve Stack Overflow questions with a specific tag that were created in the last 15 minutes. I've written a script which runs every fifteen minutes ...
Adil B's user avatar
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Is there any way to get questions by tag with excerpt?

I'm checking how I can embed the search for one project. Basically I want something like this page. With the search I can get the list of questions with all meta data from the search, however the ...
rekire's user avatar
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How to search ALL sites with the advanced API?

I can make a request to Stack Overflow as follows, which searches with keywords in titles:     /2.2/search/advanced?title=vlookup%20index%20match&site=stackoverflow My question is ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Is there a SQL-like query for the API?

I've looked at the API docs. However, I haven't found a way to do complex queries through the API such as I can do in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer query editor (select, joins etc). Example: data....
user3517546's user avatar
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How to query the Stack Exchange API using an OR operator?

I want to query Stack Exchange by title including optional keywords (one of). How can I query by OR operator? For example: /search/advanced?page=1&tagged=java&q=title:http OR class&...
user3712353's user avatar
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How do I get the total number of records for a given search?

I want to use the Stack Exchange API and get the total number of results returned from the search route. I wrote this recursive script to find the last page with the has_more=False, is there a better ...
Uri Goren's user avatar
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Advanced search doesn't return expected results when using min & max (dates) together?

I want to use the Advanced Search API to get the same results as the Stack Overflow site search. With it, I can see new questions on 11/10/2015. When I tried to craft a query using the Advanced ...
Jason Li's user avatar
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Searching on Stack Overflow and using the API give different results?

I am trying to use the Stack Exchange API to see the trends on different topics. Looking at the API documentation, I see that I could do this using the /search path (it's documented that this method ...
nohorbee's user avatar
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Possible to get more than 5 tags for /search? Or to use or-logic, for tags, in /questions?

This is the query I want to run: /2.1/search?pagesize=100&page=1&order=desc&sort=creation&tagged=linux,ubuntu,bash,linux-mint,mint,linux-distributions,linux-distro,archlinux,&site=...
gyaani_guy's user avatar
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Is there a maximum on the number of search results returned (using the SO API)?

I was trying to do statistics on post from some not-too-popular tags like matlab, using the search method. It appears that it will never return a total larger than 2000. Is this a hard limit that ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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API 'search' method with 'min' parameter

If you search for questions posted on time 1296897085 or later (by specifying sort=creation and min=1296897085), it may still return questions posted before that date:
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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API 'search' method with 'tagged' parameter

From the docs for tagged paremeter: List of tags delimited by semi-colons of which at least one must be on a question Yet, when I execute this query (
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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Non-verbatim search strings in py-stackexchange

I am writing a python program with py-stackexchange that takes a query and returns a list of urls to questions with that query in the title. Here's the code: #!c:/Python27/python.exe -u import sys sys....
kjakeb's user avatar
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