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How do I update redirect_uri param for a StackExchange App [duplicate]

I've created a StackExchange app but now I cannot find the edit page so I can update the app settings, like: redirect_uri - which is an OAuth param
ApiFox's user avatar
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OAuth2 Authentication Redirection error in PHP

I'm trying to authenticate into Stack Exchange's API with the following URL:
2359967's user avatar
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How to programmatically retrieve the access_token from client-side OAuth flow?

I'm making an application in C# and I need to both search and post answers, so I need an access token. I found some information, libraries, and code pieces: The authentication guide for the Stack ...
hesam's user avatar
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Getting Error 400 when using Authentication Broker in Win 8 App for Stackexchange API

I'm trying to connect to Stack Exchange API using OAuth. So far I've been able to get a token and retrieve data that does not require authentication. When i try do query that uses the authentication, ...
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Unhelpful error message when attempting to authenticate [duplicate]

I moved my app to a different server as part of a rewrite, and forgot to update the URL of the app on Stack Apps. When I tried to send a query to and pass my (old, ...
Zev Eisenberg's user avatar
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Javascript SDK channelUrl for local development [duplicate]

I am trying to get started with the Javascript SDK. I am developing on a web server on my local machine. I get a channelUrl-related error when calling SE.init. My code: SE.init({ clientId: ...
joews's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth authentication is not redirecting

I'm trying to build a simple iOS application , with login feature to stack overflow network. I've read the documentation and choose to use Implicit OAuth2.0. I've already registered an StackApps, so ...
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OAuth login fails for Stack Exchange and Facebook, but not Google

I'm integrating with Stack Exchange API on iOS 6 & 7. To authenticate, I load up a UIWebView with the OAuth page. Google login works well, but Stack Exchange and Facebook do not. Are these ...
Pwner's user avatar
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2 answers

Can the redirect_uri contain port number?

Is it possible to have the redirect_uri contain a specific port? For example: Assuming that is my registered domain, is the 8080 allowed? I have tried to put it as part ...
Andy's user avatar
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What should I put in redirect_uri for implicit OAuth 2.0

From the document I can't figure out what value should I put in redirect_uri if I want to implement iPhone app. I try but it not work and show this error ...
art's user avatar
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How can I re-authenticate StackAlert Addon

Recently I removed StackAlert Firefox addon from my apps list in StackExchange. Now when I reinstall it, it is not authenticating and giving message key is not valid for passed access_token.. How ...
Ravindra Gullapalli's user avatar
8 votes
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Getting unauthorized_error when using OAuth2.0

I want to create a simple desktop application which connects to my account and shows some information in the status bar. I've been trying to authenticate using OAuth2.0 but I'm getting stuck and I ...
aalbagarcia's user avatar
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Is it safe to change the OAuth Domain?

I'm about to develop a small application that will use the Stack Exchange API. I understand that I have to provide an OAuth Domain when I register the application with Stack Exchange. Right now, I am ...
Kal's user avatar
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What to do with "OAuth Domain" in the registration page for a browser user script?

I want to register my first project so I can make more API calls without hitting the limit now that it seems to be good enough for others to use. My project is a browser userscript that works with ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How can my app authenticate users with only a Stack Overflow account, using the Stack Exchange OAuth API 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their Stack Overflow account. Then I noticed that Stack Exchange OAuth only works for users with a Stack ...
agares's user avatar
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"client_id not provided" when trying to obtain an access_token

So I'm trying to authenticate with the v2 API via oauth2. I have a code, so I'm POSTing to and ideally get an access_token back. Instead I get an ...
Kristian Glass's user avatar
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User to de-authorise app?

The API makes use of OAuth to allow queries such as /inbox/unread. In the documentation however, I cannot seem to find a way for the user to control actively the authentication: Is there a place for ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
4 votes
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API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to register V2.0 apps that are not web apps?

I want to register an app that will use the V2.0 API here: However, the app will run on a mobile phone so I cannot enter a domain name. What can I possibly ...
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