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What should I put in redirect_uri for implicit OAuth 2.0

From the document I can't figure out what value should I put in redirect_uri if I want to implement iPhone app. I try but it not work and show this error ...
art's user avatar
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Login screen without web browser

I'm playing around with the Stack Exchange API, and have just received my first response from the server using the "Hello World" example. The next step is to allow the user to log in somehow. From ...
Mitch's user avatar
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Is it safe to change the OAuth Domain?

I'm about to develop a small application that will use the Stack Exchange API. I understand that I have to provide an OAuth Domain when I register the application with Stack Exchange. Right now, I am ...
Kal's user avatar
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OAuth2 Authentication Redirection error in PHP

I'm trying to authenticate into Stack Exchange's API with the following URL:
2359967's user avatar
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Use Stack Overflow's authentication API in a browser extension

I want to create a browser extension that reproduce the Stack Overflow navbar (inbox and achievements): I need for that to authenticate the current user using the authentication API. For this step, I ...
johannchopin's user avatar
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Having Trouble Setting Up OAuth for App

I am trying to build an app but I can't get the authentication right. I have been following the steps here: I keep getting the below error no matter ...
sjago's user avatar
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How to automate StackApp user approve and user login with stack Exchange explicit oAuth2.0

We are developing an stack App and integrating the app in our application. However we have successfully done a POC over POSTMAN and fiddler for explicit oAuth2.0. Now when we are integrating the same ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
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Trying to get Stack Overflow Access token Using "RestAssured"

I have been trying to create an access token for a Stack Exchange app (already created). I am not even sure if I am using the correct URL RestAssured....
Mahesh Shetty's user avatar
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OAuth login fails for Stack Exchange and Facebook, but not Google

I'm integrating with Stack Exchange API on iOS 6 & 7. To authenticate, I load up a UIWebView with the OAuth page. Google login works well, but Stack Exchange and Facebook do not. Are these ...
Pwner's user avatar
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How can my app authenticate users with only a Stack Overflow account, using the Stack Exchange OAuth API 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their Stack Overflow account. Then I noticed that Stack Exchange OAuth only works for users with a Stack ...
agares's user avatar
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Multiple Callback Domains with SE API?

In order to use the API, you have to have Callback APIs. They're not hard to implement, but there's still some headaches if you want to use more than one Callback endpoint. For example, an ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar