Questions tagged [mac-os-x]
For questions about apps, scripts or libraries that specifically target the Apple Mac operating system
SENotifier, a Stack Exchange inbox notifier for Mac OS X
SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar.
Newt - question, answer and comment and rep change notifications for Mac OS X
Follow your favourite Stack Exchange sites easily! Newt will notify you about questions on interesting topics, answers to your questions, comments for you and reputation changes.
StackKit: an API framework for Cocoa
StackKit is an Objective-C framework for interacting with the Stack Exchange API. It is compatible with both iOS and Mac OS X
StackTop-Mac app---Now out of beta!
StackTop Stacktop is my Mac client for accessing most of the Stack Exchange sites. Here are some screenshots of 3.0. Note the colors in the first screenshot change depending on which site you ar…
Bartlett—new questions, inbox items, and reputation in OS X
Bartlett is a Mac application that lets you keep track of the most recent questions, inbox items, and reputation items on your favorite Stack Exchange sites. You can be notified of new items by Gr…
MSOEngine Objective-C library
MSOEngine Basically MSOEngine (Matt's Stack Overflow Engine) is an Objective-C library that communicates with Stack Overflow. It uses the MIT License. You can find (the new and improved ver…