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Questions tagged [icons]

For questions about the icons of the sites in the Stack Exchange network and/or the icon attributes as found in the type site as returned by the /sites endpoint

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1 vote
2 answers

Incorrect Wordpress and Electronics icons

Currently Meta Icon Currently Main Icon With all the other sites (except electronics, which has the same icon for both), Meta has the B&W or sepia icon, while the main site's icon is coloured. ...
1 vote
3 answers

Icons of beta sites

Icons of beta sites are different form the icons given in the . As example: Original icon of the English Language and Usage is     where http://stackauth....
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a Stack Exchange icon available?

StackAuth /sites route provides all the site's icons except for the one of the Stack Exchange master site. Could you please provide it in some way (a static SVG would be good)?
9 votes
3 answers

Are there any restrictions on using icons/look-and-feel from the site(s)?

Can I haz non-logo icons from the site(s)? I'm designing an app and my plan, assuming it pleases the court, is to use some of the icons/look-and-feel from the site. For example: The green and red ...
7 votes
0 answers

Greyscale MSE Favicon

This userscript is obsolete now that the icon has been changed to something entirely more sensible. It is preserved below for posterity, and also so I can keep the 60 rep you all graciously gave me ...
0 votes
0 answers

Application icon on authorization page isn't loading

I can't seem to get the application icon for Stack Applet to display on the authorization page. (I'm using the implicit flow.) The URL that I open the browser to is:
4 votes
0 answers

Old [M]SO Favicon

About April 3, 2014. The favicon for Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow is changed. Much whining ensues. This script changes them back. License The MIT License Download Userscript Platform ...
7 votes
3 answers

Are there any high resolution/scalable (SVG) icons or images available?

It would be nice to give community-developed apps a familiar look and feel. With that in mind, do the SE sites have any high-resolution or scalable icons and images that we can use? I'm not really ...
1 vote
1 answer

Most of the url are missing the protocol

Maybe you were trying to fix the other "bug" I've pointed out, but now most of the url for the icons are missing the protocol! { "site_type": "main_site", "name": "Stack Overflow", "...
2 votes
1 answer

stackapps favicon inconsistent rendering

A lot of us are using the favicon in our apps as it is a quite convenient size. It seems that IE does not like the stackapps favicon palette and renders the background black. While I do cache the ...
9 votes
1 answer

Standardized set of sort icons?

Can we (anyone who is interested) create a "standard" set of icons that represent the various sorting methods available? That way, we'll have a set of universally recognized icons. That means we'll ...
2 votes
2 answers

Will I be able to update the (optional) application icon after registering an application?

The Register Your Application form allows for the (optional) submission of an application icon. Presumably this can be updated after registration via Manage API keys? I'd be surprised if not, of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Problems with the Site Icons

I'm having trouble with the WebApps icon being returned from the /sites method. Namely, the image is composed of a larg white rectangle with a very small guy in the middle. Why can't the guy take up ...
14 votes
2 answers

Make site icons have transparent backgrounds

This is a request to make the site's icons have transparent backgrounds. They are already PNGs, so they support that. This would make applications such as Droidstack look much better. Although ...