Questions tagged [extension]
For questions on how to use or build a browser extension that uses the Stack Exchange API or interact with an Stack Exchange site.
Stack Alert [Opera] - Keep tabs on your inbox without needing to have a Stack Exchange site open
Tell at a glance how many items are in your inbox without worrying about having a tab open to a Stack Exchange site.
OBSOLETE - Stack Exchange Notifier Chrome Extension
Stack Exchange Notifier is a handy extension for Google Chrome browser that displays your current reputation, badges on Stack Exchange sites and notifies you on reputation's changes. You will now g…
Stack Alert [Mozilla Firefox Add-on] - Keep tabs on your inbox without needing to have a Stack Exchange site open.
Tell at a glance how many items are in your inbox without worrying about having a tab open to a Stack Exchange site.
Stack Safari Utilities (Safari 5 Extension)
The current web interface is the ideal way to use Stack Exchange apps. I intend to improve this experience for Safari users with a "Safari Extension" which enhances the current web experi…