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Belisarius - Detecting vandalism on Stack Overflow

Background: This bot has been developed in an attempt to help capture possible vandalism. This includes: Removing all code Replacing all content with nonsense/repeated words Adding solutions to ...
Bugs's user avatar
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19 votes
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Register for the Stack Exchange V2.0 API Private Beta

It's getting to be that time (actually, it's about a month later than I'd hoped but still!), API V2.0 is shaping up and we're spending more and more time on UI polish rather than functionality. So let'...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
13 votes
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Stack.JS - Powerful Event-driven Library for Accessing the Stack Exchange API in JavaScript.

About Stack.JS is the JavaScript equivalent of Stack.PHP and aims to replicate the request structure of that library as much as possible. The library is still a long ways from being complete but is ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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12 votes
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API V2.0 Public Beta Begins

As has been announced, we're starting the public beta and spinning up a contest (as we did with V1.0). As such, some of the guidelines for the private beta no longer apply. The api-v2-beta tag no ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
11 votes
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OBSOLETE - Dragon: an automatic editor

OBSOLETE: No longer maintained, and I haven't used it for ages either. May or may not work as long as v2 of the API remains supported Screenshot My revision history currently contains a lot of ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
11 votes
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TIARA - a tool for enhancing SE beauty

About Quality is an important area of concern for Stack Exchange sites. Immediate quality concerns are generally handled through a combination of flagging and downvoting. However, some things don't ...
agent86's user avatar
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Suggested Edits Queue for Mere Mortals

Screenshot About This Java command-line app gives you access to the Suggested Edits queue using the Stack Exchange 2.0 API. It is ideally suited for users in the 2000 <= reputation < 5000 ...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
10 votes
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Tell us that POST is required to write

While troubleshooting /posts/{id}/comments/add in order to answer Why am I getting a 404 when trying to post a comment?, it was noticed that the API path in question only responded to POST requests. ...
michaelb958--GoFundMonica's user avatar
9 votes
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api 2.0 - any plans to bring SE sites closer together?

I've been re-reading api 2.0 roadmap and thinking what might be useful to have there. I don't care much about authentification, and even less about write access. But what would really reduce amount ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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8 votes
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Incomplete information in API documentation

I am struggling a little bit with the Stack Exchange API since there seems to be no formal specification for the individual endpoints of the API. Example: Endpoint:
Besi's user avatar
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Stack on Go - A wrapper library in Go

Stack on Go - A wrapper library in Go Sample Code session := stackongo.NewSession("stackoverflow") //set the params params := make(stackongo.Params) ...
laktek's user avatar
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7 votes
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LaServ - A Python/Twisted based flexible command line bot/framework for Stack Exchange

LaServ (a play on Lazers, The Bridge's feedbot and '*Serv' bots, which provide IRC services ) is a Python/Twisted project that I've been poking at since the Christmas break. It's still beta quality, ...
agent86's user avatar
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Docs say the API returns a user's age, but it doesn't (anymore)

The doc page says that the user object returns an age property (for those users that specified an age). But the API  no  longer  does.   (Plus spot checks of users that had age in ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
6 votes
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localhost API key receives Curl error when retrieving access token

I have registered two apps -- one that will redirect to my website and the other that will redirect to a localhost server that I have running so I don't have to test my code on the site. I have ...
austin's user avatar
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The "advanced search" path returns very wrong results for the `q` parameter

I'm trying to search for a string. It's a hardware identifier 10ec:8168 and should be unique to that make/model of chip. Any questions that mention is should be relevant. But compare the site search ...
Oli's user avatar
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API docs for "stack overflow" still feature v1.0 docs

I guess I'd call this a doc bug. Currently the page redirects to, which says at the top "Don't use 1.0, use 2.1". This URL ...
Leopd's user avatar
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Net::StackExchange2 - Perl Wrapper for StackExchange API (it's on CPAN)

About This library is a little labour of love for two things dear to me : StackOverflow, a place where I've learned just so much, and Perl a cryptic language that's giving me perspective. I happen to ...
gideon's user avatar
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ExchangeLinq: LINQ Query Provider for Stack Exchange API v2.0

ExchangeLinq is a LINQ Query Provider for the Stack Exchange API. It only supports API v2.0. It is currently in alpha state and is being developed for Exchange It, a Stack Exchange client for Windows ...
JLaanstra's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

API Inconsistencies

In my opinion, one of the hallmarks of a good API is that it is self-consistent. It establishes easy-to-remember conventions and then follows them. As I'm trying to adopt the 2.0 API, I'm finding ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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"What is meta" should be rephrased tells that there is "Meta Stack Apps". However there isn't. Stack Apps is its own meta and meta is used to ask meta questions here.
nicael's user avatar
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Ruby library for Stack Exchange API

About I have written a Ruby library for accessing Stack Exchange questions, comments, badges and users. I am adding more methods. Repository ...
userxyz's user avatar
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How can I get the "follower" count for a given tag on a site?

One of the metrics (albeit a somewhat weak one) of a given tag's "health" is how many followers it has. I believe this is the count of how many users have the tag on their "Favorite Tags" list. You ...
agent86's user avatar
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Selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview.

This is a very selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview: Purpose Please note that this transcript fragment is mainly a supporting post to decrease the length of ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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'answer' type has "unchanged in unsafe filters" listed for the wrong field says the can_flag field is unchanged in unsafe filters. It's probably meant for the field above it: body_markdown.
Stijn's user avatar
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Link to applied_count leads to a 404

To Reproduce Run an API query on tag-synonyms, you will get a result that includes something like this: Issue(s) Click on the applied_count link and you get redirected to this page which is a 404. It ...
jmac's user avatar
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Parameter `tagged` in `search/advanced` seems to use `AND` instead of `OR`

It seems that search/advanced has the same problem as in "The tagged parameter does not work with multiple tags" question. When I select c#; .net I only get results tagged both c# and .net: http://...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
4 votes
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Stack Tunnel - WebGL Visualization for Stack Exchange

Stack Tunnel Screenshots About StackTunnel is a WebGL visualization which displays the latest questions from any Stack Exchange site interactively within your web browser. You can click on the ...
Crashthatch's user avatar
3 votes
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Browsing method documentation consumes 4 quota units per page

Is it my imagination (scratch that, it's definitely not), or does simply browsing method doc pages (without using the "Run" function) consume quota? From Bash using httpie and jq (on a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
3 votes
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"users" link lands on the answer page

On the /users/moderators documentation site, the following link is wrong: This method returns a list of users. The users link mistakenly points to the answers object instead of to the users object....
Rakete1111's user avatar
3 votes
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Authorization dialog shows wrong API version

If you go on this doc page and click on Get Token, you'll see this: Minor bug, but still, I thought it would be nice to fix this inconsistency :)
Rakete1111's user avatar
3 votes
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Types missing from the "Member Types" section

The following types are not listed on under the Member Types section: network_post closed_details original_question Note that it's a nonexhaustive ...
Stijn's user avatar
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Login screen without web browser

I'm playing around with the Stack Exchange API, and have just received my first response from the server using the "Hello World" example. The next step is to allow the user to log in somehow. From ...
Mitch's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between "questions" and "search" in API?

I have a query to find the number of questions tagged java from 2012-08-01 to 2013-08-01. Running this using both /questions and /search produces different results:
Sarath Saleem's user avatar
3 votes
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Incorrect link parameter on the "Complex Queries" documentation page

The "Complex Queries" documentation page has this link: Of these three posts on Server Fault, the one with the most recent activity where "the one with the most recent activity" links to https://...
ForkandBeard's user avatar
3 votes
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SE API V1.1 documentation, date errata

The Stack Exchange API, version 1.1, documentation is ever so slightly confusing wherever Unix timestamps are mentioned (perhaps any ranges, I haven't dug too deeply) For instance: todate – Unix ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
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How to get network profile username?

I was thinking I could just get the username from the response of /users/{ids}/associated (where {ids} is the not-site-specific id). But then realised that it returns only network_user (even though we ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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OAuth Dialog rendering problems in iPad

I'm using the implicit OAuth flow for our native iPad app. We're calling the standard URLs in a UIWebView. The Stack Exchange login renders with several UI glitches. The first screen looks correct: (...
bromanko's user avatar
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Example responses

I think I may have asked this before. Would it be possible to have example responses for the inbox route. Eg I have no idea what a careers_invite would be like.
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Example of inbox items?

Would it be possible to get an example of each type returned by the inbox, Eg careers messages, and whatever meta questions are. Do careers invites/chat messages/etc have ids? And what is their site?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Always show console on API docs

This script stops you having to click the "show console" button to test an API call. Install - View Source
Gelatin's user avatar
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API Help Suggestion: /search - can we make tagged,nottagged description consistent with other list params

on most other params that accept a semi-colon delimited list we see list of tags questions must have, semicolon delimited A single primary key identifier or a vectorized, semicolon-delimited list of ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to get user information of Stack Overflow?

I'm currently using the Stack Overflow API to get a user's information (via Stack Exchange). Is it possible with the Stack Overflow API to get user details?
saravanaprasath's user avatar
2 votes
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Improve design of the Documentation's 404 page

The 404 page of the documentation has a rather awkward design; for example, a different header than other pages, and no footer. Can it be updated?
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Uncaught channelUrl must be under the current domain

I'm developing a Stack Chrome extension that will make use of the API. I'm following the instructions on the API docs here. My OAuth and host websites are set to in my Stack Apps ...
Joe Moore's user avatar
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Update Teams API documentation to reflect dependency on tier

The documentation says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private Teams. This is slightly ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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List /network-activity methods under Network Methods in the documentation

The API methods /users/{id}/network-activity and /me/network-activity, both return a summary of a user's activity across the Stack Exchange network and do not take a site parameter. They are ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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.wrapper not sorted correctly in filter edit popup

When editing the filter, e.g. on this API documentation page, all types are sorted alphabetically except for .wrapper which is always shown below answer, instead of above it (or at the end): ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Spelling mistake in API Documentation's "Authentication" page

Can you find the spelling mistake in "Unregistered Users" (last section) of the Authentication page? In case you're not in the mood for games, here is it: This is actually a correct spelling - of ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
2 votes
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'search_excerpt' type issues

On the search_excerpt page: community_owned_date should be marked as may be absent locked_date should be marked as may be absent search/excerpts should be listed in the Methods That Return This Type ...
Stijn's user avatar
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New line missing between 'notice' and 'related_site' member types

At the bottom of under the Member Types section, notice and related_site are on the same line. A <br> is missing between the items.
Stijn's user avatar
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