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6 votes
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/users/{ids}/timeline creation_date missing or incorrect

I am writing a small widget that displays the time since I was awarded my last badge on Stack Overflow. I noticed that my most recent badge was missing from the timeline data (/users/{ids}/timeline). ...
Steph Sharp's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get the question title for reputation history entries?

I'm trying to implement a simple rep list, much like as seen on Stack Exchange sites. What I would like is to get three things: the rep change amount, type of change, and question title. However, ...
user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Accessing Authenticated User's Close/Delete History

I'm working on the PHP chatroom's cv-pls backlog UI. Many users and myself would like the ability to track which questions we have already handled though close/delete votes. To be able to do that I ...
kittycat's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Give us a site's API name in the list of a user's sites

In the /me/associated method, I get back a bunch of JSON - but the api_site_parameter name is nowhere to be found. Why? It's kind of important. Could we have it?
user avatar
0 votes
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Support for OR constraint when querying questions based on tags [duplicate]

Right now, there is no way (as far as I know) to query for questions based on multiple tags using an OR constraint. You can query for questions tagged with multiple of these tags, but not with one or ...
tolgap's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Most of the url are missing the protocol

Maybe you were trying to fix the other "bug" I've pointed out, but now most of the url for the icons are missing the protocol! { "site_type": "main_site", "name": "Stack Overflow", "...
Enrichman's user avatar
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3 votes
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SE API V1.1 documentation, date errata

The Stack Exchange API, version 1.1, documentation is ever so slightly confusing wherever Unix timestamps are mentioned (perhaps any ranges, I haven't dug too deeply) For instance: todate – Unix ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
  • 131
5 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange API is returning boolean(false) For 'is_answered' On Question With Accepted Answer

When you view this question you see a closed question which has an accepted answer. When you get the API info for it you get this: ["question_id"]=> int(17466804) ["creation_date"]=> int(...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
2 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange API is returning non-existant/incorrect notices for questions

When you view this question you do not see any notices other than the protected notice at bottom. Also, you are able to edit the answers and question (provided you have the privilege). However, when ...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
14 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange API is not returning the close vote counts for questions

When you visit this question (with proper privs) you can see that there are 2 close votes cast for it. However, if you access the information for this question using the Stack Exchange API you get ...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
2 votes
1 answer

Default listing images aren't served from CDN, fail to load because of certificate error

The default images used on the app/script/library pages aren't pointing to the CDN, so their use of HTTPS causes a certificate error that prevents the image from loading: Could the image sources be ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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2 votes
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Top questions by tag and period

I want to get via API the most voted questions from the latest week (for example) from a specified tag (php, for example). How can I do this?
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
4 votes
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The API has stopped allowing CORS requests

I just noticed that a script I have that makes CORS requests to the API stopped working on Meta Stack Overflow, claiming that the domain isn't allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, which is true ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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3 votes
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In the API, User object, what are all these reputation properties?

I am going through the JSON that is resulting from calling the Stack Exchange User API. I see a bunch of reputation fields. private Number reputation; private Number reputation_change_day; private ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I get a user's bio with the SE API?

Am I just missing something here or is there not a way to retrieve a user's bio with the SE API? I looked at the documentation under the "Users" section, but I didn't find anything. Any suggestions?
daviesgeek's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I get a list of favorite/ignored tags?

I can not find an API method method that would provide me with a set of favorite/ignored tags for a given user. Is there such a method? If not, is there a recommended way to get this information?
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Parameter `tagged` in `search/advanced` seems to use `AND` instead of `OR`

It seems that search/advanced has the same problem as in "The tagged parameter does not work with multiple tags" question. When I select c#; .net I only get results tagged both c# and .net: http://...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CDN redirect for the API's JavaScript SDK is incorrect

The API's JavaScript SDK is listed as However, GET request produces the following response: Status Code: 301 Moved Permanently Location: https://api-...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Maximum length of "about me" in the Stack Exchange API?

What is the Maximum length of "about me" in the Stack Exchange API? The one from the /me path. And in general, where are the length limits published? If anywhere?
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
3 votes
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Stack Exchange OAuth2, explicit access-token response format does not adhere to RFC6749 standard

I'm using the Stack Exchange v2.1 API. I'm using the explicit OAuth 2.0 flow, but it seems that the access token response step does not adhere to the RFC 6749 standard. Specifically, the Stack ...
Wu-Man's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Inbox and Notifications aren't being filtered by site

I'm using the API get inbox messages and notifications for various sites on the StackExchange network, but it doesn't seem to matter what site parameter I pass in the query string. I always get my ...
Spencerooni's user avatar
1 vote
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Off-by-one error in fromdate processing

When running a query with a given fromdate value, values which match fromdate - 1 are returned. An example: When using fromdate=1367715851 results will be returned which have a creation_date of ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

The 2.1, "similar" path is returning empty results

I've been a happy user of the /2.1/similar Stack Exchange API for a while. But, at some point within the last 24 hours, or so, it started returning empty results (but otherwise reporting everything as ...
kamstrup's user avatar
2 votes
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Not possible to login to approve or reject access to application on Windows Phone 7 device

I'm making an app for Windows Phone using the Stack Exchange API but I'm having a bit of trouble when I try to let the user approve the application (using client side flow). I open a web browser at ...
Spencerooni's user avatar
0 votes
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Searching answers with API

I'm very new to the API and I was looking for a way to get answers of a user. E.g. something like if you click on a tag in your tags section of your profile. For questions this seems to be quiet easy ...
rekire's user avatar
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How do I find a user by their `display_name`?

I am using Serel (the Ruby wrapper) and would like to be able to find a user by their display_name. As it stands right now, I can only find them via an ID - like Serel::User.find(1,2,3). I tried ...
marcamillion's user avatar
6 votes
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API docs for "stack overflow" still feature v1.0 docs

I guess I'd call this a doc bug. Currently the page redirects to, which says at the top "Don't use 1.0, use 2.1". This URL ...
Leopd's user avatar
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9 votes
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Application stats are completely broken.

It appears that the application stats are completely broken. Attempting to view the number of times Stack Mobile hit the /questions/* methods results in this graph: It would seem that statistics were ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can you identify a user from the access_token?

I have the access_token after authentication from the user. At this point I don't know with which sites this user has registered. Is it possible to get user information like the display name or ...
aldrin's user avatar
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Ability to sort answers by number of revisions via StackExchange API v2?

I was curious whether there was a way to easily find which StackOverflow answer has the highest number of revisions and/or to sort by that metric. I see mention of a sort function in the ...
Gary S. Weaver's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Whatever happened to closed_reason?

When pulling back info on a closed question, I have come to expect closed_reason to be a present key if there's a closed_date. It seems that as of recently this is no longer true. Proof: https://api....
Oli's user avatar
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1 vote
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What sizes are the images available through the /sites endpoint?

I see logo_url, icon_url, favicon_url, high_resolution_icon_url... But I wasn't able to find any information about any of those images in the documentation. Are any of them fixed size? And/or is ...
Mark Rushakoff's user avatar
0 votes
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Serel returns a JSON Parse error for the 'C#' tag

When I try requesting the tag c# via Serel, I get an error. This is the error I am getting: INFO][2013-02-25 02:06:42] Making request to /2.0/tags/c#/info?site=stackoverflow&key=mykey JSON::...
marcamillion's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I find all questions/answers per a tag?

Would also be good if I could also find the top questions/answers in a particular tag - i.e. questions tagged with Ruby or PHP. Per the docs the only thing I can see that will return questions in a ...
marcamillion's user avatar
2 votes
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Is question_id unique across all stackexchange sites?

The standard structure of a question URL is: Example: It is ...
Eugen's user avatar
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3 votes
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Creating a home brew Push Server for Stack Exchange

I'm looking to create a home brew push notification server for Stack Exchange. This is mainly due to the fact that Toast Notifications within Windows Store applications are done using Windows ...
James Mertz's user avatar
6 votes
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Net::StackExchange2 - Perl Wrapper for StackExchange API (it's on CPAN)

About This library is a little labour of love for two things dear to me : StackOverflow, a place where I've learned just so much, and Perl a cryptic language that's giving me perspective. I happen to ...
gideon's user avatar
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3 votes
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Problem with /search tagged and max

Seems like a problem with /search when max is not set to today, and tagged is given:
jogloran's user avatar
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10 votes
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SEAPI - A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

About A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API v2.1. Built with Requests. Why yet another SE API Python wrapper? (I'm aware of Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is "body" missing from certain inbox items?

I have run into some confusion over the presence of the body attribute in an inbox-item returned by the /inbox method. When item_type is set to "careers_invitations", the body attribute appears to be ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Questions returned by /questions/{ids}/related do not contain link properties

The API docs claim that /questions/{ids}/related return question objects, but I can't find a link property on the returned questions at all. Is there some sort of workaround to find the link for a ...
Asad Saeeduddin's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the api_site_parameter of in API 2.x

What is the api_site_parameter of in API 2.x? doesn't list stackapps. Why?
Binoy Babu's user avatar
4 votes
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API v1.1 users call returns association_id for which the Stack Exchange web site has no profile

For a particular user, the users API v1.1 call returns an association_id that gives a "Page Not Found" error where the Stack Exchange profile should be, though their Stack Exchange profile can be ...
Isaac's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Get favorited tags of user

This was requested in 1 and declined because of a missing authentication method. Now that authentication is in place, is there a way to retrieve the favorited tags of a user (myself)?
oschrenk's user avatar
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Is there a way (or app) to get realtime updates of new questions with a given tag?

According to Stack Exchange API not realtime?, the API does not return results in realtime, but has 1 minute delay for the same query. Is there a system or an app that delivers new questions in ...
B Seven's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Why is my API quota not resetting after UTC reset?

According to How API Keys Work, the default daily API limit -- which is per site, per day -- is 300. I started with 300, as expected, but over a period of days, I've noticed that the remaining quota ...
jmort253's user avatar
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Unread messages in inbox query shows older inbox messages

I am using the /inbox/unread route to get the unread messages in a user's inbox. Recently (over the last couple of months, perhaps) I have noticed that the entries returned from this route initially ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is there a difference between the API search and the search from within the site?

I'm curious if the search results from the API is calculated the same way as the searches from within the sites themselves? Is there a difference between the two? If so, what are the differences?
James Mertz's user avatar
5 votes
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API docs titled "v2.0"; should be "v2.1"

The documentation is titled "StackExchange API v2.0"... this should be updated to "v2.1" as it's not readily obvious that version 2.1 has been published otherwise.
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
3 votes
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API documentation console unsuccessfully tries to load MiniProfiler results

All of the documentation pages (example) with the test console currently attempt to load MiniProfiler result data, which fails with a 404: POST
Tim Stone's user avatar
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