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JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 3 column 1 (char 3)

I am trying the following simple code to get JSON from the Stack Exchange API and it gives me the following error: JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 3 column 1 (char 3) Here is my script: ...
Sparkling_Sayena's user avatar
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Array boolean values are returning empty

I am trying to convert a JSON array to a PHP array, and the boolean values are being lost. I think I need to loop round using foreach() and cast the items as they are placed in to the new array, but I ...
EntityPaul's user avatar
3 votes
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Java exception when user age or location is unspecified in returned JSON

I am brand new to the Stack Exchange API and Android (well, self taught in the last four months). I have been working on creating a school project focused around Android and JSON. My initial idea was ...
gamermom's user avatar
1 vote
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json with list of all user's on stackoverflow

I am trying to get the list of all user's in JSON format (as provided by the API) (using jQuery jsonp) What I found is: pagesize – The number of collection results to display during pagination. ...
JAVAGeek's user avatar
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8 votes
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Making use of the *"has_more": true* json attribute in the Json response from stackoverflow

When issuing requests to the stackoverflow-api, I set the pagesize to a 100 (which is the maximum possible). However, some json responses contain this attribute (normally at the very bottom): "...
savagius's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Get user data using curb/Curl in Ruby

I am trying to get user data in my Rails app. I am doing this: url_so = "" curl = curl.perform data_obj = ...
zengr's user avatar
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Platforms Supported by the API and Response Compression

What platforms are supported for use with the Stack Exchange API? In short, anything that can make a GET request to the API servers and supports JSON/JSONP & GZIP. (JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar