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4 votes
1 answer

How do I parse the dates from the API?

I see that JSON returned by the API contains dates in the following format: "creation_date":1364546475 ^^^^^^^^^^ What's the meaning of it? How can I parse it to get the date in the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to get the site name from document to pass to API?

Most APIs take a parameter site which must be set to the name of the site your queries are about. For or travel. But of course sites have various names, for example gaming.stackexchange....
2 votes
1 answer

Possible to get more than 5 tags for /search? Or to use or-logic, for tags, in /questions?

This is the query I want to run: /2.1/search?pagesize=100&page=1&order=desc&sort=creation&tagged=linux,ubuntu,bash,linux-mint,mint,linux-distributions,linux-distro,archlinux,&site=...
1 vote
1 answer

Get all sites of type "main_site"

Is there a way to get all sites of type main_site from the /site method? If not, what's the best way to get that list? Should I get all sites with a huge pagesize and then filter it in my App?
0 votes
1 answer

Searching answers with API

I'm very new to the API and I was looking for a way to get answers of a user. E.g. something like if you click on a tag in your tags section of your profile. For questions this seems to be quiet easy ...
10 votes
1 answer

Get questions content from StackOverflow API

I need to get the question content from StackOverflow site. I already built the functions that parse the HTML for a question, and return me the question content. But, I found that there is an API, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Posting answers via Stack Exchange API

Can I post answers via an app using the API, is it possible? And if so, what are the limitations; linked with the reputation of users? So if someone has 1 reputation he can also post answers, like a ...
6 votes
1 answer

Does the API have a method to get the total favorite count of a question?

Like it says in the title, is the total favorite count of a question exposed anywhere via the API? I know about the favorites method, but that looks like it will give you the specific favorites of a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Questions returned by /questions/{ids}/related do not contain link properties

The API docs claim that /questions/{ids}/related return question objects, but I can't find a link property on the returned questions at all. Is there some sort of workaround to find the link for a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Clarification on related tags for a tag returned by API

I was assuming that the related tags API call, returns all the tags that co-occur with the input tag. But a closer look at the API documentation indicate the following: Returns the tags that are ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can you access a user's tag reputation/score via the API?

Is it possible to retrieve a user's tag specific reputation/score via the API? If not, is it possible to make an API call that returns enough information that you can calculate the value?
1 vote
0 answers

Why does the web service fail sometimes for the Stack API?

It seems to have happened all of the sudden. My calls to the web service fails. What is the limit of calls per day with a registered app? I can't seem to remember where it says that, I can't seem to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Retrieving JSON via the API using Ajax does not work

I tried to retrieve information of my user profile on Stack Overflow via the API using Ajax/jQuery. But it does not work for me. The result of the request is always empty. <html> <...
9 votes
2 answers

Why can I access the API from a browser but not wget?

If I try to access the following from firefox everything works even if I'm not logged in However ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

/me API endpoint returning 500 error

I'm making an authenticated call to /me:[redacted]&site=stackoverflow&key=[redacted] But it's returning: {"error_id":500,"error_name":"...
12 votes
2 answers

Why does this Stack Overflow API query return binary data?

The Stack Overflow API query returns what appears to be binary data: ���I�%&/m�{J�J��t��$ؐ@�������iG#)�*��eVe]...
2 votes
1 answer

API returning character entities in JSON

I noticed display names in the JSON contain HTML character entities; e.g. /2.0/users/718618?order=desc&sort=reputation&site=stackoverflow Gives me: { "items": [ { "user_id": ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get the edit URL for a tag wiki from the API?

I've been playing with a little webapp for tags of a certain kind for travel.SE (current pre-alpha version gist on github). One thing I would like to do is add links for the various tag-related ...
2 votes
1 answer

Pagination of users ordered by reputation

I know I can retrieve a page of users ordered by reputation using these apis:
5 votes
1 answer

How to register application for API implicit authentication?

I am working on an applet to for Cairo-Dock, to check the user's StackExchange inbox. Right now I've worked around this by using the genuwine json feed, but that's not stable since posts are marked as ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a maximum on the number of search results returned (using the SO API)?

I was trying to do statistics on post from some not-too-popular tags like matlab, using the search method. It appears that it will never return a total larger than 2000. Is this a hard limit that ...
5 votes
2 answers

Prefered way to retrieve all search results

I'm trying to figure out a reliable way to retrieve all the results from a search query (in subsequent pages. My use case includes cases with more than 100 results (the maximum page size). Looking at ...
2 votes
1 answer

Using the API directly from JavaScript

Is there any way I can use the API directly from JavaScript without any Server side proxy? I know of the inter-domain restrictions, but can we do it somehow in case of facebook API right?
2 votes
0 answers

FAQ's URL for any SE Site?

Since I cannot find anything relevant in the API (I guess /stats endpoint would be most relevant): Is it safe to assume that every SE Site has its FAQ at location: site_url/faq ?
0 votes
1 answer

Sort options explained

I have read the doc here but I'm quite confusing because I still don't understand the semantic behind each options. Would you like to detail the different options ? activity (default) votes creation ...
3 votes
1 answer

API Time zone difference problem

I am writing a .NET application with the Stack Exchange API (using the Stacky library) and I am using it to ask the server for some questions that occured in the last hour. However, I and the server ...
2 votes
1 answer

Better way to find activity changes in terms of API Usage

I am coding an application that notifies events in Stack Exchange accounts. I want to notify about badges/reputation changes, and also I would like to notify whenever a new answer or comment is posted ...
0 votes
1 answer

Total number of superuser users...

Hi all, I am probably doing something wrong but there seems to be a discrepancy between the data-explorer and the API. For instance, This query has a total of 48048.
1 vote
1 answer

How to search all Questions & Answers on specific keyword with PHPstack library?

I am trying to build a page specific to one keyword which should pull all the questions and their respective answers from Stack overflow. I tried phpstack 1.1.1, but no luck. I saw a function search(...
1 vote
1 answer

Definitive on timeline_type?

Hi all, I am trying to get a definitive on what timeline_type actually means... I've looked at: but to no avail. The new documentation doesn't list ...
3 votes
1 answer

Throttling Question

Hey all, I keep getting kicked out of the API. Is throttling set to 30 requests per 5 seconds? j
6 votes
1 answer

API 'search' method with 'tagged' parameter

From the docs for tagged paremeter: List of tags delimited by semi-colons of which at least one must be on a question Yet, when I execute this query (
4 votes
1 answer

API 'search' method with 'min' parameter

If you search for questions posted on time 1296897085 or later (by specifying sort=creation and min=1296897085), it may still return questions posted before that date:
9 votes
3 answers

Roadmap - any update?

So now it's 2011 and we should be getting some API updates. As a company you must have some kind of plan. So can you either say the API is never going to be updated or give a time frame to at least a ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there an SO API which can fetch all Questions & Answers for a particluar Keywords

I am looking for an API which helps in fetching all the Questions & Answers from SO and other Stack Exchange sites only on a particular "keyword". Later using XML RPC these questions will be ...
0 votes
1 answer

Coding error at open URL

Hi, I have the following method to open a URL API String c=""; URL direccionURL; try { direccionURL = new URL(""); BufferedReader in = new ...
3 votes
2 answers

Silverlight download JSON from API fails

I cant seem to download the JSON for the questions on SO, I cant get the HTML and JSON from other addresses, but the SO API always returns jibberish. Here is my code: public void ...
1 vote
3 answers

What is the best way to provide support for an unknowable number of StackExchange sites?

I just wrote an app for Chrome extensions and received a request to make it cross-StackExchange compatible. If there's eventually going to be more sites than just the few listed and I don't really ...
5 votes
2 answers

Is Stack API blocking Yahoo YQL services?

I was hoping to create OpenTable definitions for Stack services to use YQL, Yahoo's SQL to the web thing. It would have been interesting for experimenting, but also for mashups. Unfortunately, it ...
5 votes
1 answer

What timezone is used in the API?

When a timestamp is used, for example the fromdate parameter in /questions, what timezone are dates in? Is the number supposed to be in milliseconds or in seconds? To get the current time to pass as ...
1 vote
1 answer

questions/id is sometimes missing an owner?

Every once in a while when I query: I get a question back that is missing the owner field. Is this expected? I haven't seen anything about owner being ...
2 votes
1 answer

what is the url for a *.stackexchange site's api?

from my understanding, the documentation suggests that we can use the api against any current *.stackexchange website what would be the url for the api for one of these ? e.g. mysite.stackexchange....
4 votes
2 answers

What is the throttle interval or threshold?

Resolution: I have confirmed that a constant interval of 170 ms will run without error. // 30 per 5 sec = 6 per sec = interval 166.6 ms Soapi.RequestQueue.setInterval(170); Soapi....
1 vote
3 answers

API not returning anything near the actual website

The API /questions page is not returning anything like the list of questions on the actual SO site. This is the first question of the 0.8/questions { "total": 705769, "page": 1, "pagesize": 30,...
4 votes
1 answer

Strange encoding for JSON output

I'm trying to create an R API. Here's some basic code for processing JSON: library(rjson) fromJSON(readLines("", warn=F)) As I look into this, the output of ...
9 votes
1 answer

How to see which users upvoted a question?

I assume this information is tracked, since StackOverflow shows me the questions I have upvoted (when going to their question page, I can undo the upvote). I couldn't find any api call that gives this ...
0 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to mashup a social network with StackOverflow?

I’m experimenting with an integration project where I mashup a user’s LinkedIn connections and StackOverflow activity. Are there any relevant APIs on StackOverflow that could be used to integrate ...
2 votes
1 answer

consistency for array parameters

It would simplify the api and consumption there of if all parameters that accept multiple items used a common delimiter. We have semicolon and space that I know of so far. Eliminating space as a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why does Stats Return a Statistics Array

Why does the stats API Call return an Array instead of just an object? Example Response: { "statistics": [ { "total_questions": 723903, "total_unanswered": 114097, "...
1 vote
1 answer

Is the question_id monotonically increasing?

Just wondering: Does the question_id monotonically increase for every new question? Is the question_id unique globally for a deployed app or is it unique in some sub-domain? Is there any relation ...

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