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Questions tagged [status-declined]

Indicates that a request (usually a feature request) has been considered, but will not be implemented. Generally speaking, a developer will leave a comment as to why, or the community will come to consensus that the request is unnecessary.

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2 votes
3 answers

Can there be a way to find a user given his email hash?

Given a user's email, it would be great if we could hash it and search for that user with it. The reason for this is suppose: Someone has a website On that website, they invite SO users to enter ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
7 votes
4 answers

please add a key fields to stackauth results

While it is a step in the right direction, the /sites return is missing a vital component: a key field. All of the data currently in /sites is the arbitrary data that can change. We need a constant ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
14 votes
1 answer

Can we have some sort of notification system?

It seems like the only way to get notified of certain events is to poll the site continuously. And as per the current policy, it seems like there should be at least a 2 minute delay between requests. ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
7 votes
1 answer

What happened to the JSON documentation for the API?

Back in version 1.1 of the API, we used to be able to do: ...which would return information about the method in JSON format. However, attempting to ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Add reputation and site URL to 1.1 associated accounts

I know you wanted to reduce the amount of data returned, but hasn't it gone a little far? Especially as there are no numerical site IDs. For example the Apple site is now called AskDifferent, however ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Get a user's "interesting tags"

The current implementation of the API does not provide a way for us to fetch a user's "interesting tags". The /users/{id}/tags unfortunately returns all tags a user has participated in, which I'm not ...
Felix's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there going to be an API for the Careers site?

Is there going to be an API for access to the careers site? I could understand that it would be different to the rest of the Stack Exchange APIs, but I could see that it could be useful for use cases ...
Rowland Shaw's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - List Area51 discuss in the StackAuth sites list

The API works for Area 51 discuss, but it isn't listed on the site list. Would it be possible to add it so software using the API can access it without adding specific code for it?
Gelatin's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Shouldn't there be a separate call for featured questions?

I find it rather peculiar that you can sort questions by featured. My arguments: What does order mean in this case? It could mean the bounty amount (e.g. using desc would return the questions with ...
Felix's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Provide a method to search for sites

Due to the new pagination of the /sites method in v1.1 of the API, we have to go through all the pages of sites to check whether a site exists, or allow the user to search for a site. Would it be ...
Gelatin's user avatar
  • 796
0 votes
1 answer

Add careers link and info to StackAuth

It might be nice to have access to a user's linked careers information via StackAuth if at all possible. One use I had in mind was integration into a sidebar widget.
carson's user avatar
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