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27 votes
1 answer

My app has to be published first? But it's still under development

Okay, I want to build an App that allows me to create questions on Stack Exchange. I registered it here on Stack Apps but now when I want to create a question I get this message: { "error_message": ...
Besi's user avatar
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3 votes
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Localhost test Stack App authentication: error 'redirect_uri' does not match

I tried the answer at "Can the redirect_uri contain port number"? But I am getting the following error: Provided redirect_uri does not match the redirect_uri this code was created with My access ...
sylor_huang's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is the question_id monotonically increasing?

Just wondering: Does the question_id monotonically increase for every new question? Is the question_id unique globally for a deployed app or is it unique in some sub-domain? Is there any relation ...
Alienfluid's user avatar