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Questions tagged [oauth2]

For questions relating to authenticating with the Stack Exchange API using OAuth 2.0, which is an open standard for authorization. General OAuth 2.0 questions are off-topic but might find a home elsewhere in the network.

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4 votes
1 answer

Refresh expired acess token basics

I'm trying to learn how to implement an OAuth flow in an Android app using a simple app with the Stack Exchange API. Using WebView, I'm able to retrieve an access token and store it in my shared ...
Marco Pierucci's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange login hangs on Windows 10 Mobile?

I am working on a Stack Exchange App (Stack App for Windows 10 PC/Mobile and Windows 8.1 Mobile). I have a user login set up and using the WebAuthenticationBroker in Universal Windows Platform, to ...
AVK's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

iOS Client for stackoverflow always throws redirect_uri not a valid uri

I tried to use the Stack Exchange API to authenticate the user. I have registered my app with redirect_uri as But it always throws "redirect_uri is not a valid ...
Kishorekumar E K's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Same access token between different fetch_token requests

TL;DR: Is it (or would it be) possible to get the same access_token from one fetch_token request to another, provided that the user is the same? Scenario: An anonymous user authenticates with Stack ...
Jivan's user avatar
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0 votes
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OAuth domain with a custom port in a dev environment? [duplicate]

I have an app for which the OAuth domain is However, the domain for dev environment is When trying to authorize the website, Stack Exchange replies with an error ...
Jivan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Authentication uses # instead of `?`?

I need authentication for my app so I used the implicit flow way. The authentication works just fine but the access_token and expires variables return weirdly! For example:
moein rahimi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to specify how long I want an access token to be valid for?

I am following the explicit authentication path. I am not passing no_expiry as part of the scope. After the final POST step, I receive back an expires value of 86399 (just shy of a full day). It ...
Andy's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Getting "application not configured for implicit grants" error trying to setup website

I had a developer setup StackExchange auth for a site last year and that still works fine. I have cloned that site and am in the process of changing out all of the relevant names and keys to the new ...
Lizza's user avatar
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3 votes
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Login screen without web browser

I'm playing around with the Stack Exchange API, and have just received my first response from the server using the "Hello World" example. The next step is to allow the user to log in somehow. From ...
Mitch's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Unable to get access token

I am trying to get a non-expiry access token, like so:{{some_uri}}&client_id={{some_value}} I am repeatedly getting the error: ...
user34257's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

I Cannot Perform Oauth [closed]

My Clientn id = 4784 and Key = cB0l6XiaOW5l5vsBnBeIUg((. What do I do for Oauth and to get an access token?
SOURABH DOLIYA's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can not request info after OAuth

I am following The implicit OAuth 2.0 flow Guide: My client ID is 4709 while key is RoZwtHUrhMP088oVGCMlxA(( I appended my URL as:
Zigii Wong's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Login using Google fails saying OpenID 2.0 accounts for Google has gone away

Recently I have received complaints about my app suggesting that logging in with a Google account shows a warning message that OpenID authentication has gone away. When I tried to log in with my own ...
Birkan Cilingir's user avatar
3 votes
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Help with javascript SDK configuration

The following problem is REAL! All names have been changed to protect the innocent. I have a site at "" And I have my app configured like ...
Jack Sprat's user avatar
2 votes
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Login problem on devices pre Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

I have recently published an app for browsing Stack Exchange websites and a major feedback I received from users was about the inability to use oauth login form while logging into the app. The ...
Birkan Cilingir's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"client_id rejected" error when retrieving the access_token

I'm developing an application in C# and I to post questions, so I need an access token. I registered my application and I have received a client ID. Then I get the following query-string to get the ...
user2621858's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is developing, with the Stack Exchange API, possible on my local machine?

I'm sorry if this question seems trivial for the most of you but I'm not very familiar with OAuth and the Stack Exchange API. Is it possible to use this API in local environment for the development ...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Does verifying OAuth2 `access_token` validity count towards API call quota?

Does this Stack Exchange API endpoint count towards quota usage? : (This is the most promising API call I found for verifying the validity of ...
Gima's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I update redirect_uri param for a StackExchange App [duplicate]

I've created a StackExchange app but now I cannot find the edit page so I can update the app settings, like: redirect_uri - which is an OAuth param
ApiFox's user avatar
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OAuth2 Authentication Redirection error in PHP

I'm trying to authenticate into Stack Exchange's API with the following URL:
2359967's user avatar
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1 answer

How to programmatically retrieve the access_token from client-side OAuth flow?

I'm making an application in C# and I need to both search and post answers, so I need an access token. I found some information, libraries, and code pieces: The authentication guide for the Stack ...
hesam's user avatar
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Getting Error 400 when using Authentication Broker in Win 8 App for Stackexchange API

I'm trying to connect to Stack Exchange API using OAuth. So far I've been able to get a token and retrieve data that does not require authentication. When i try do query that uses the authentication, ...
user avatar
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Unhelpful error message when attempting to authenticate [duplicate]

I moved my app to a different server as part of a rewrite, and forgot to update the URL of the app on Stack Apps. When I tried to send a query to and pass my (old, ...
Zev Eisenberg's user avatar
0 votes
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Application icon on authorization page isn't loading

I can't seem to get the application icon for Stack Applet to display on the authorization page. (I'm using the implicit flow.) The URL that I open the browser to is:
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Javascript SDK channelUrl for local development [duplicate]

I am trying to get started with the Javascript SDK. I am developing on a web server on my local machine. I get a channelUrl-related error when calling SE.init. My code: SE.init({ clientId: ...
joews's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Implicit OAuth authentication is not redirecting

I'm trying to build a simple iOS application , with login feature to stack overflow network. I've read the documentation and choose to use Implicit OAuth2.0. I've already registered an StackApps, so ...
user avatar
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OAuth login fails for Stack Exchange and Facebook, but not Google

I'm integrating with Stack Exchange API on iOS 6 & 7. To authenticate, I load up a UIWebView with the OAuth page. Google login works well, but Stack Exchange and Facebook do not. Are these ...
Pwner's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Can the redirect_uri contain port number?

Is it possible to have the redirect_uri contain a specific port? For example: Assuming that is my registered domain, is the 8080 allowed? I have tried to put it as part ...
Andy's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Google’s OAuth redirect broken

We just tried to authenticate with our application without being logged into anything on StackExchange. This is best tested in a private browser session without any cookies etc. So after starting the ...
poke's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

What should I put in redirect_uri for implicit OAuth 2.0

From the document I can't figure out what value should I put in redirect_uri if I want to implement iPhone app. I try but it not work and show this error ...
art's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Implicit OAuth Flow stopped working. Redirect happening to a non existent URL [duplicate]

The following URL is first hit when a user clicks on Login:
Prasanna's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

"OAuth request must be over HTTPS" when request is over https

I had a bug reported to me that I was able to reproduce. When authorizing to my Badges webapp, we get the following error: error: invalid_request error description: OAuth request must be over ...
agent86's user avatar
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/oauth/access_token not redirecting back to my redirect_uri

I am trying to implement Stack Exchange using oAuth 2.0. I am able to get CODE but, when I try to get access_token through this code: <?php if(isset($_GET['code'])) { ?> <form method="...
Amit Parmar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange OAuth2, explicit access-token response format does not adhere to RFC6749 standard

I'm using the Stack Exchange v2.1 API. I'm using the explicit OAuth 2.0 flow, but it seems that the access token response step does not adhere to the RFC 6749 standard. Specifically, the Stack ...
Wu-Man's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I re-authenticate StackAlert Addon

Recently I removed StackAlert Firefox addon from my apps list in StackExchange. Now when I reinstall it, it is not authenticating and giving message key is not valid for passed access_token.. How ...
Ravindra Gullapalli's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Getting unauthorized_error when using OAuth2.0

I want to create a simple desktop application which connects to my account and shows some information in the status bar. I've been trying to authenticate using OAuth2.0 but I'm getting stuck and I ...
aalbagarcia's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it safe to change the OAuth Domain?

I'm about to develop a small application that will use the Stack Exchange API. I understand that I have to provide an OAuth Domain when I register the application with Stack Exchange. Right now, I am ...
Kal's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

What is an oAuth domain

What is the oAuth domain that is mentioned in the StackApps app registration form? I googled it but couldn't find a good description.
Binoy Babu's user avatar
9 votes
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What to do with "OAuth Domain" in the registration page for a browser user script?

I want to register my first project so I can make more API calls without hitting the limit now that it seems to be good enough for others to use. My project is a browser userscript that works with ...
hippietrail's user avatar
1 vote
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How can my app authenticate users with only a Stack Overflow account, using the Stack Exchange OAuth API 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their Stack Overflow account. Then I noticed that Stack Exchange OAuth only works for users with a Stack ...
agares's user avatar
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sanction: a dead easy OAuth2 client Python implementation

Overview sanction is a lightweight, dead simple (67 LOC!) client implementation of the OAuth2 protocol. The major goals of the library are: Support multiple providers Most providers have varying ...
Demian Brecht's user avatar
1 vote
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"client_id not provided" when trying to obtain an access_token

So I'm trying to authenticate with the v2 API via oauth2. I have a code, so I'm POSTing to and ideally get an access_token back. Instead I get an ...
Kristian Glass's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Sanction - An OAuth 2.0 implementation

Code Snippet from sanction.client import Client from import Google client = Client(Google, { "google.client_id": "myclientid", "google.client_secret": "...
Demian Brecht's user avatar
3 votes
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OAuth Dialog rendering problems in iPad

I'm using the implicit OAuth flow for our native iPad app. We're calling the standard URLs in a UIWebView. The Stack Exchange login renders with several UI glitches. The first screen looks correct: (...
bromanko's user avatar
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1 answer

OAuth redirect not completing

This is the URL that I'm entering (in Safari, cleared website data and cache; my app, uses own Cookie jar; and incognito chrome)
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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API is accepting requests from other OAuth domains

I've set an OAuth domain for an application (the client_id is 24) and the following link authorizes the application:,...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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User to de-authorise app?

The API makes use of OAuth to allow queries such as /inbox/unread. In the documentation however, I cannot seem to find a way for the user to control actively the authentication: Is there a place for ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
4 votes
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API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to register V2.0 apps that are not web apps?

I want to register an app that will use the V2.0 API here: However, the app will run on a mobile phone so I cannot enter a domain name. What can I possibly ...
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