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OBSOLETE - ActionStack - An ActionScript Wrapper for the API

ActionStack is an ActionScript 3 wrapper for the StackOverflow API. ActionStack fully supports all API methods, including StackAuth methods. Although there is no documentation for ActionStack at th…

Stack.PHP - Powerful and Extensive Library for Accessing the Stack Exchange API - Including Full Support for v2.0.

Why you should use Stack.PHP: Stack.PHP has been completely rewritten from scratch to facilitate a comprehensive restructuring of the code. These new changes allow certain tasks to be coded in a m…

StackWrap4J Java wrapper

StackWrap4J is a Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. It is designed to be easy to use, and intuitive to learn while providing the full functionality of the API. License StackWrap4J is avail…

rubyoverflow 0.5

rubyoverflow is an ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. Status Middle of being rewritten. Handles /users/{id}/* routes along with /sites and /users. Documentation forthcoming Known Issues Not …

StackUnderflow.js: A JavaScript Library and Mashup Application

StackUnderflow.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes retrieving and rendering question summary information from Stack Exchange sites simple. It supports retrieving questions by question…

OBSOLETE - Soapi.JS : fluent JavaScript client library for the Stack Exchange API

Soapi.js is a compact single file, self-containted, self-documenting, intuitive and easy to use fluent JavaScript wrapper with full coverage of the Stack Overflow API. Soapi.js is unobtrusive and…

OBSOLETE - Soapi.CS : A fully relational fluent .NET Stack Exchange API client library

A robust, fully relational, easy to use, strongly typed, end-to-end StackOverflow API Client Library. Out of the box, Soapi provides you with a robust client library that abstracts away most all of…

StackScript JavaScript Wrapper

StackScript is a JavaScript wrapper that provides access to the StackOverflow API. Currently it has somewhat limited functionality, but I wanted to get something started that everyone can contribut…

Tangoverflow - StackApps API using D with Tango

So far, in commit #2, can successfully parse the statistics API into an object. I'll update more as I get more of the API done (but for now, I need to go take a bike ride and enjoy the outdoors a …

StackKit: an API framework for Cocoa

StackKit is an Objective-C framework for interacting with the Stack Exchange API. It is compatible with both iOS and Mac OS X

PHPstack - A PHP wrapper to the SE API

PHPstack is a wrapper for the StackExchange API. Currently it only supports making API requests through the provided methods but I intend to expand it to provide a variety of additional helper func…

Pilha - Ruby Wrapper to the Stack Exchange API

Pilha aims to provide an ActiveRecord-like interface for querying the StackExchange API. More info about the gem can be founded at its github page: Desing goals: Sim…

Stack Exchange Java client library

A Java client library that wraps the Stack Apps API. The library uses the newer Jersey REST processing that will eventually become part of the Java platform. Change Log Version 0.9 Added suppor…

stackoverflow-java-sdk: a Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

stackoverflow-java-sdk is an open source library hosted at Google Code. I created this library to be used in an internal project. But it's comprehensive enough to be used by anyone looking to integ…

Py-StackExchange: An API wrapper for Python

So, what is Py-StackExchange? Well, I'm glad you asked. It is a Python library for querying the StackExchange API from your Python applications. Integration, ahoy! So why should you use it? After…

OBSOLETE - Mobile Exchange Library for .NET Compact Framework

Since the .NET Compact Framework is always lagging behind in terms of what is implemented, and what is not implemented, I made a .NET library for the Stack Exchange API specifically made for the .N…

Ruby Client Library

The project will use RSpec for testing and either Rack-Client or HTTParty for API calls. It will try to use Arel-like syntax for querying. License SOFlow is released under the MIT license Downlo…

OBSOLETE - so++ - C++ Library

so++ is an object-oriented wrapper for the StackOverflow API. It currently uses libcurl and jsoncpp. The .zip file includes examples, though they need the API key replaced. License so++ is rele…

MSOEngine Objective-C library

MSOEngine Basically MSOEngine (Matt's Stack Overflow Engine) is an Objective-C library that communicates with Stack Overflow. It uses the MIT License. You can find (the new and improved ver…

Stacky - A .NET client library (Full support for API v2.0)

Stacky is a .NET client library for the Stack Apps API. It is a simple library and to supports a variety of platforms such as Silverlight and Windows Phone 7, .NET 4 and .NET 3.5. License MSPL Down…