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Stack Exchange Topbar Tools

It's the extensible userscript for customising that almost-black bar at the top of your screen.

stack2py - A Python wrapper for API v2 [alpha]

stack2py is a library which wraps the SE API (v2.1) for Python. It aims to provide a clean and complete interface to the user, giving them complete control and accessibility. Although, currently it…

Net::StackExchange2 - Perl Wrapper for StackExchange API (it's on CPAN)

A simple Perl wrapper for StackExchange API. Supports all methods including filters. The project is open source and is on CPAN

StackKit: an API framework for Cocoa

StackKit is an Objective-C framework for interacting with the Stack Exchange API. It is compatible with both iOS and Mac OS X

sanction: a dead easy OAuth2 client Python implementation

Overview sanction is a lightweight, dead simple (67 LOC!) client implementation of the OAuth2 protocol. The major goals of the library are: Support multiple providers Most providers have varyin…

Soapi.JS2: a fully relational JavaScript client library for the Stack Exchange API - beta preview

Soapi.JS2 is being released separately from Soapi.JS as it is a completely different take on accessing the API via JavaScript. Soapi.JS is a very lightweight library that provides full API coverag…

Firehose JSON streaming event service

JSON streaming API for all Stack Overflow events (questions, answers, comments, edits, and new users)

ExchangeLinq: LINQ Query Provider for Stack Exchange API v2.0

ExchangeLinq is a LINQ Query Provider for the Stack Exchange API. It only supports API v2.0. It is currently in alpha state and is being developed for Exchange It, a Stack Exchange client for Windo…

MSOEngine Objective-C library

MSOEngine Basically MSOEngine (Matt's Stack Overflow Engine) is an Objective-C library that communicates with Stack Overflow. It uses the MIT License. You can find (the new and improved ver…

Stack on Go - A wrapper library in Go

Stack on Go is a wrapper library written in Golang for Stack Exchange API 2.0. It's compatible with Google AppEngine's Go runtime, allowing you to easily deploy your apps. Stack on Go fully impleme…

StackUnderflow.js: A JavaScript Library and Mashup Application

StackUnderflow.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes retrieving and rendering question summary information from Stack Exchange sites simple. It supports retrieving questions by question…

BridgeStack — .NET client library with full 2.0 support

This is a StackExchange API v2.0 consumer library written under C#. It is heavily documented and designed to make it as easy as possible to interact with the API.

PHPstack - A PHP wrapper to the SE API

PHPstack is a wrapper for the StackExchange API. Currently it only supports making API requests through the provided methods but I intend to expand it to provide a variety of additional helper func…

Stack2XML - A JSON to XML Conversion Service

Stack2XML is a web service that fulfills API requests on your behalf and converts the results to XML before returning it to you. The purpose of this service is to support those languages / environm…

Ruby Client Library

The project will use RSpec for testing and either Rack-Client or HTTParty for API calls. It will try to use Arel-like syntax for querying. License SOFlow is released under the MIT license Downlo…

StackLINQ: A StackExchange LINQ Provider

StackLINQ is a custom LINQ Provider that allows you to query the StackOverflow API directly using LINQ syntax. StackLINQ supports: All of the API calls. Vectorized requests Proxy servers (via the …

CoreStack : An Objective C Library

An Objective C 2.0 wrapper around the Stack Exchange API. Powers Six to Eight. Carefully woven threads for easy creation of non-blocking UIs, and full serialisation support for easy state persisten…

StackScript JavaScript Wrapper

StackScript is a JavaScript wrapper that provides access to the StackOverflow API. Currently it has somewhat limited functionality, but I wanted to get something started that everyone can contribut…

Pilha - Ruby Wrapper to the Stack Exchange API

Pilha aims to provide an ActiveRecord-like interface for querying the StackExchange API. More info about the gem can be founded at its github page: Desing goals: Sim…

Tangoverflow - StackApps API using D with Tango

So far, in commit #2, can successfully parse the statistics API into an object. I'll update more as I get more of the API done (but for now, I need to go take a bike ride and enjoy the outdoors a …