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Questions tagged [chat]

Questions about, or scripts/apps/libraries that enhance Stack Exchange's Chat rooms/feature.

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16 votes
0 answers

SE-Chatbot, a bot for the chat rooms

I created a chat bot for the Stack Exchange chat rooms. The bot is open-source and the code is hosted on GitHub. The bot is licensed under CPOL (The Code Project Open License) v1.02. You can find a ...
44 votes
0 answers

ChatBot, a bot. For the chat

About Lurks in the shadows of the chat. It executes commands at the request of the user, sending messages as the user who runs it. You can talk to it the StackOverflow SandBox room if you want to ...
30 votes
0 answers

RebolBot - a chat bot for the chat rooms

RebolBot is a chat bot with a natural English dialect interface, specifically targeting the StackOverflow chat rooms. Yet it has a modular design, can post tweets to Twitter, and could be modified ...
12 votes
1 answer

ThirdPlace JavaScript chat library

Screenshot / Code Snippet var room = ThirdPlace.Room.GetCurrentRoom(); var message = new ThirdPlace.Message; message.room_id =; message.content = "ThirdPlace.js is a library which abstracts ...
21 votes
1 answer

sechatr - adding Hangouts-style avatars to chat

New And Improved! I have rewritten the application and fixed a ton of bugs that were causing issues (and extremely high memory usage). If you ran into trouble before, give the new version a spin! ...
6 votes
0 answers

Smoke the SmokeDetector

SmokeTheSmokeDetector Over in Tavern on the Meta, our spam detector, SmokeDetector has been the topic of an ongoing argument between those who believe SmokeDetector fills the chatroom, and those who ...
6 votes
0 answers

Google Chrome Chat Faces

SE-Chat-Faces Love using faces in chat? Are ASCII faces just a little too boring? Is the unicode entry keystroke too complicated? Tired of having to copy-paste unicode faces from Notepad++ (or ...
9 votes
0 answers

Badge oneboxer for chat

This script makes it possible for badges to onebox in Chat. Example format: that's a [badge:nice-answer] on a powershell bountied question The only somewhat custom one you can use is Strunk & ...
7 votes
0 answers

SmokePreview - A chat addon for the SmokeDetector

SmokePreview A Greasemonkey script to add a preview to chat messages of the SmokeDetector. Messages which are deleted while loading the preview will get a opacity of 50% to make clear that this is not ...
9 votes
0 answers

Chat Dark Theme Plus

About Work in progress theme for StackExchange chats, also includes 'plugins' for additional features. Features include: Inline webm/gifv User colours code-mode (see here) activated with Ctrl + ...
5 votes
0 answers

Minimize chat input area − remove links and site logo, no auto width

Chat input area background takes up all the horizontal space it can get. It's time to stop this greedy nonsense! This script removes the width:auto rule and hides the site's logo and links at the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Github link oneboxer for Chat

Oneboxes links to Github repos, issues or pull requests in Chat This userscript will automatically detect new and existing messages in chat that link to Github and onebox them, just like it is done ...
5 votes
0 answers

ChatExchange - It is an API for Chat

Code Snippet sendMessage('', 721, 'Hello @Sha', fkey().fkey) //Sends the message 'Hello @Sha' to Shadow's Den //Must be run in a chat site, due to @Balpha not wanting CORS ...
13 votes
0 answers

More Stars - Userscript that frees up room so you can see more starred messages

Since I've never written a GreaseMonkey script before, I borrowed heavily from this script and basically played around with it until I got what I wanted. So credit to them for helping me get there. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Starred message image section in chat

I have almost no experience with javascript, widgets and scripts myself, so I'd like to ask someone to make this useful chat addition a reality. (Original Meta.SE feature request) The idea is to ...
5 votes
0 answers

Hide Unnecessary Info in SE Chat

Hide Unnecessary or Cluttering Information in the Sidebar of an SE Chatroom Description A small userscript to help avoid clutter on the sidebar of any Stack Exchange chat room. The chat room will ...
12 votes
0 answers

Chatception - quickly chat in different rooms from a single page (v0.3)

TL;DR I got fed up with having 11 chat tabs open all the time and made a userscript to fix it. Screenshot Description A tiny widget that allows you to quickly chat in different Stack Exchange ...
11 votes
0 answers

ArtOfChatbot + Chat API - a customisable chatbot

Stack Exchange chat has no API. While this is not a complete chat API, it introduces a level of control that makes it far easier to run chatbots. About ArtOfChatbot is a two-part creation: a basic ...
6 votes
0 answers

Remove chat room description and tags

Chat room description and tags may only be useful a first couple of times you come by a chat room. After that, they are just wasting space. To hide them from the view, you can install the following ...
3 votes
0 answers

Room Topic Change Helper

When the room topic changes, don't you wish you knew what it used to be before the change? Well now you can! This script automatically updates room topic change posts with the previous topic so you ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does anyone have a script that lets you log in to chat server side?

There doesn't seem to be any sort of API for chat. I'm working on creating one, however I'm stuck at the login bit. How can I get Python (or some other server side language) to log in to chat? The ...
22 votes
0 answers

Chat Easy Input Tools - Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands

About Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands, reducing the dependency on mouse usage. Current version does not have a configurable set of hotkeys but later versions will. ...
13 votes
0 answers

Diamond Chat Aware - Helping you be aware of your audience when moving from private to public chat rooms

Screenshot / Code Snippet About While very subtle, in the above screenshot, you see a diamond watermark in the textbox. As someone who spends time in private rooms, mostly for moderation purposes, ...
2 votes
0 answers

Chatdump - a site monitor

Dump activity from a site into a chatroom. Configurable as to what to dump and with what conditions. Github repo
4 votes
0 answers

Hide chat messages based on content

Want to get those Game of Thrones spoilers out of your chat? Hate certain things? Automatically hide chat messages based on a blacklist of words. Instructions Download the User script Edit ...
1 vote
0 answers

Chat Resizifizer

Are you you annoyed when you are typing a long chat message, but the textbox is so short? Worry no more! This userscript makes it possible to resize the entire bottom part of the chat page (a.k.a. #...
3 votes
0 answers

HamStare: Basic automation for chat

Get it from Github! HamStare is the last word in disapproving stares. Now, roll your own! Out of the box is how it is configured for me, but if you have a little knowledge of Javascript (or not), it ...
7 votes
0 answers

Is a deobfuscated version of chat js available?

The dev portion of the CDN hosts unminified JS for the main SE sites (you can find it via ). However, I can't seem to find the same for chat. Is there any link for ...
36 votes
0 answers

Set fire to people in chat

How many times have you been overwhelmed by your desire to set fire to people in Stack Exchange chat? Well now you can! Arqade Fire Get Chrome Extension Get Grease Monkey User Script Arqade Fire is a ...
7 votes
0 answers

Highlight Code in Chat - Highlights <code> elements contained in chat messages

Screenshot About Inspired by this question, I have developed a UserScript that highlights code elements in chat messages so that they stand out more on the page. Simply install the script and your ...
6 votes
0 answers

Killit - Bookmarklet to replace single images from the page

About Bookmarklet that replaces any selected image on the page with: How to use. You first need to "install" the bookmarklet by visiting the project homepage and dragging the button to your ...
2 votes
0 answers

Upbar for SE/SO chat

rlemon and myself created a Userscript which moves the userbar on top... so that you can see more stars! UpBar The goal of this project was to gain more space on the sidebar of the StackExchange ...
8 votes
0 answers

GIF Killer! Stop animated gifs in the Chat

About Bookmarklet that stops GIFs in their tracks! until you refresh.. GIFs are replaced with the following image: How to use. Depending on your browser you create a new bookmark, copy and paste ...
13 votes
0 answers

Clear Chat - Clears all of the messages in the chat window.

Screenshot About Ever wish you could simply clear all of the messages from the chat window (similar to a terminal)? Well now you can with this UserScript! Simply install it using the link below and ...
16 votes
0 answers

Frequent Message Manager - Easily store and send frequently used messages in chat?

Screenshot About Have you ever said something in chat that made you think "I know I've said this many times before?" Perhaps you have a few common links that you reply to questions with on a ...
24 votes
1 answer

Will the API support the chat system?

Having read through come of the questions on here it's my understanding that v 1.0 of the API is for read-only access to real-time data, pretty much what's available in the data dump. Write support is ...