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31 votes
6 answers

Draft Specification for API v2.0

We've started working on the next version of the Stack Exchange API. The current draft specification is available, and we'd like to hear your feedback! The headlining feature for this release is ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to provide a logout button for authentication?

How would you provide a logout button for an app that uses authentication. (Not so that the user has to choose to accept or reject the app, that's deleting the app from their tab) Basically force the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

User "authentication" (validation?) in V1 of the StackExchange API

In a previous question, it was asked whether it is possible to authenticate a user through the Stackoverflow API? The short answer was no, not until version 2. Now I would like to know: is there any ...
Herman Schaaf's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is no_expiry "strongly advised against"?

In the docs on user auth, it says This request is responded to with either an error (HTTP status code 400) or an access token of the form access_token=...&expires=1234. expires will only be set ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

oauth 2.0 based on stackexchange api and fetch user details

I am new to oauth 2.0. What i am trying to achieve is following I have a google api based oauth authentication in place On top I fetch the gmail email address and verify if this address is present in ...
Arka Mallick's user avatar