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How can I get unread messages for inbox testing? [duplicate]

I use /users/{id}/inbox/unread method to get unread items in a user's inbox. But how could I test it if I have no unread items in my inbox? How can I get/generate unread messages for testing? P.S. ...
LA_'s user avatar
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Why do you need to specify a site when getting the inbox?

I'm getting a user's inbox via /me/inbox. I am forced to specify a site with this, so I'm setting it to Stack Overflow. However, it still gets all my notifications, including those from other sites. ...
RareNCool's user avatar
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Hidden page tracks Read/Unread Inbox items better than API or Inbox?

How does this hidden page ( know which Inbox notifications I have/haven't opened? Both the drop-down inbox and the API (ie, seem ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
-2 votes
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Are the inbox routes (`inbox_item`) missing some item types?

Should there be more options for item_type in the "inbox" routes (they return inbox_item)? Shouldn't they return answer and edit suggested like the site's global inbox does? As shown in this ...
amit jha's user avatar
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