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The answer object returns an empty array for tags

Since version 2.1, the answer object has a field called tags. However, sometimes, an empty array or even nothing is returned in this field: Example with the filter !-*f(6t0Vk01e. Am I doing ...
FelixSFD's user avatar
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Tags are not returned when querying /users/{ids}/answers

I'm querying the API for answers-by-user, and I want the tags belonging to the parent questions. I seem to be seeing intermittent results: sometimes the tags attribute of the response includes the ...
larsks's user avatar
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The tags array is missing from answer results

I'm probably missing something very obvious but it seems like /users/{ids}/answers forgets to include the tags badge in the resulting answer object: tags (2.1) an array of strings Nowhere does ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
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/answers API request returns no tags if body_markdown is included [duplicate]

This API request to /answers has the filter set to return the tags field for the corresponding question. It works fine:!9YdnSPElz But, when the filter is ...
Boann's user avatar
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