Stack Me First
A browser extension to Highlight, Sort & display a list of all questions, comments or links answered and upvoted by the current user.
This Plugin has 3 components to it
1. Sidebar
2. Popup:
Sidebar and popup contain mostly the same information.
- Sidebar is always accessible whereas
- Popup needs to be manually clicked and it automatically closes when you click-away.
- The User Preferences section allows the user to choose preferences to disable extracting information if required
- The Login/Logout buttons allow the user to log in which enables enhanced features to identify hidden information (like hidden comments or linked questions you upvoted/favorited) (yet to be deployed)
Based on the current question and the logged-in user, the popup shows a list of
- All the answers - posted by the logged-in user (login is optional)
- All the comments - posted by the logged-in user (login is optional)
- All the linked questions - upvoted/favorited by the logged-in user (yet to be deployed, mandatory login)
Stack Me First - Popup Screenshot
3. Highlights content in the current question in the DOM
Highlights the Questions, comments & Linked Questions upvoted by the logged-in user with a green/orange border
Stack Me First - Question Screenshot
Created by Gangula