The StackWrap4J 1.0.1 jar is now available! (See the changelog)
Sample Code / Screen Shot
The following code snippet was used to test the wrapper in the Android emulator:
TextView text = (TextView)findViewById(;
StackWrapper stackWrap = new StackOverflow();
String displayText = null;
try {
Stats stats = stackWrap.getStats();
displayText = "Stack Overflow Statistics";
displayText += "\nTotal Questions: " + stats.getTotalQuestions();
displayText += "\nTotal Unanswered: " + stats.getTotalUnanswered();
displayText += "\nTotal Answers: " + stats.getTotalAnswers();
displayText += "\nTotal Comments: " + stats.getTotalComments();
displayText += "\nTotal Votes: " + stats.getTotalVotes();
displayText += "\nTotal Users: " + stats.getTotalUsers();
catch(Exception e){
displayText = e.getMessage();
StackWrap4J is a Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. It is designed to be easy to use, and intuitive to learn while providing the full functionality of the API.
StackWrap4J is available under the MIT license.
StackWrap4J was built using Java 1.5 and tested on Sun's JVM. It should run on any implementation of the JVM (1.5 or later). It's also been tested on the Android emulator. It also runs under the Google App Engine.
You can download the code from our SVN repository hosted on SourceForge.
Documentation for the code is also available on the SourceForge site.
Please feel free to leave feedback here in the Answers section or on the StackWrap4J project discussion forum.
Bill is available at: lizard.bill (at)
Justin can be reached at: jjnguy13 (at)
Currently we are focusing on adding more tests and fixing bugs. We are also working on adding serialization so that our objects can be easily persisted, and throttling so that users of our library don't have to worry about breaking the terms of use of the API.
The latest build was tested against version 1.0 of the API on July 28th.