StackKit is a library for accessing the Stack Exchange API from within Cocoa/Cocoa Touch applications. It is under active development, but the major core functionality is present.
Code Snippet
[SKSite requestSiteWithNameLike:@"Stack Overflow" completionHandler:^(SKSite *site, NSError *error) {
SKFetchRequest *r = [[SKFetchRequest requestForFetchingUsers] withIDs: 115730, nil];
[site executeFetchRequest:r completionHandler:^(NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"retrieved users: %@", results);
StackKit is available under the MIT license.
StackKit can be downloaded from its Github repository.
StackKit is compatible with iOS 5+ and Mac OS X 10.7+.
StackKit is being developed by myself (Dave DeLong).
StackKit is written in Objective-C. If you find a bug or would like to help contribute to it, please contact me via the project repository on Github. You're also welcome to fork the repository and send pull requests.
Description and code samples shown reflect the API of the "2.0" branch