Note: There is something in the title to test this tool.

About: (required)

This searches for spam on a given site and places the links in an MD file.

Screenshot / Code Snippet: (highly recommended)

# Imports not included

def get_spam(site: str = "stackoverflow") -> str:
  true = True
  false = False
  json = eval(requests.get(f"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.3/questions?page=1&pagesize=30&order=desc&sort=creation&site={site}&filter=!Fc6b9*tI0e7rqpMIoRUAgp8tJ8").text)['items']
  spam = [x for x in json if re.search(r'(?:\d-*){10}', x['link'])]
  return '\n'.join(x['link'] for x in spam)

Download / Install: (required)

Fork or clone this repo, change sitename.txt to the desired site and run the workflow. It will also be run when current_minute % 5 == 4. To stop this, you can comment out the schedule: and - cron: lines.

Platform: (recommended)

Works on GitHub.

Contact: (optional)

Just me. Open a discussion if you want to contact me. Note that discussions are public.

License: (optional)

Not under a license yet.

Code: (recommended)

Just used the requests module in Python to query from the API. You can contribute by forking and opening a pull request.

  • 1
    SmokeDetector usually handles these as well as many other patterns for spam.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Aug 4, 2023 at 10:20
  • It baffles me why SE code itself does not detect phone numbers and flag them as suspected spam, only visible in review queues. Do I need to install python to run it ? Commented Aug 5, 2023 at 1:55
  • @RohitGupta GitHub actions should install it for you. I just fixed a bug a few minutes ago, so try running the action again. Commented Aug 5, 2023 at 9:14


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