Growl notification
Growl on Mac
Growl on Windows
Terminal output
$ perl SENotify.pl -s stackoverflow -r 60 -v 2 question found on serverfault at : Tue Jun 22 21:41:38 2010 Best way to implement Amazon CloudFront for established website [amazon-s3] [cdn] [cloudfront] (v:2|a:0) http://www.serverfault.com/questions/153764 Unable to move print spooler on Windows Server 2008R2 [windows-server-2008-r2] [print-server] (v:1|a:0) http://www.serverfault.com/questions/153765 1 question found on serverfault at : Tue Jun 22 22:01:40 2010 POP3 authentication using email address in Exchange [exchange] [exchange-2010] [pop3] (v:2|a:0) http://www.serverfault.com/questions/153770
This perl script is a notification tool of new question on Stack Exchange website.
It supports output to terminal (STDOUT) as well as Growl (on both Mac OS X and Windows)
Latest source is available here : http://code.google.com/p/senotify/source/browse/trunk/
Website is here : http://code.google.com/p/senotify/
This is a Perl script, any platform running perl can run it.
If you are looking for a .Net implementation take a look to the soapi-notify .Net clone
To use it you need Perl and the following Perl module
- LWP::UserAgent
You can do so with the following command (sudo is optional)
sudo cpan -i JSON
sudo cpan -i LWP::UserAgent
ActivePerl for Windows comes with both module included
Mac OS X users will have to install JSON module
Mac OS X and Windows users can take advantage of Growl notification.
See http://growl.info/ for Mac users
See http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/ for Windows users
Mac users: in the Growl image disk, install growlnotify located in the Extras direcotry
Current version is 0.5
Change in v0.5 are:
- Add tag inclusion filter
- Add verbose mode, need to be enable to see number of question found.
Change in v0.4 are:
- use API v0.9
Change in v0.3 are:
- Improve Growl for Windows output
- Show count value (view/answer) after tag list for a better question visibility
- Add a readme file
- Add usage example
Change in v0.2 are:
- Add proxy support
- Add Windows growl support
- Use API Key
- Provide logo and suppress --image option
- Add question URL to terminal output
- Better query to API
- Show number of new question in terminal output
- Add view count to output
- Support multiple --site argument to monitor many site at once
- Support tag exclusion with --excludetag
Author is Jean-Edouard Babin can be contacted at jeb in jeb.com.fr
Code is written in Perl and is available here, you can contribute by sending patch to jeb in jeb.com.fr
perl SENotify.pl -s webapps.stackexchange