I'm kissu 🍉, nice to meet you! 👋🏻
Passionate helper and big OSS lover. 🙌🏻
Other things about me:
- I do enjoy the Vue/Nuxt/Astro ecosystem 💚
- I do help people by mentoring, writing or creating videos 🎥
- sometimes MC/organizer or just conference speaker/attendee: feel free to reach out if you see me around
- a fan of 3D: either modeling in Blender or gaming haha
Currently #1 nuxt helper and #7 in vue! 💪🏻
You can also find me on Github discussions/issues, Twitter (spaces), and some LinkedIn/dev.to communities... 🤗
I'm also a NuxtJS + WTM Ambassador and ready to talk about mental health if you need any kind of support.
I do speak both 🇫🇷 and 🇷🇺