BY DAY: working @ Lombardit.IT - Information Technology, Fasano
BY NIGHT: I write code for Websites & Applications. I take care of the Marketing of Events in Puglia, where I Eat, sometimes Drink, Dance and do Good Love (say). Sometimes I sleep...
FOR FUN: Women study, the way they do, to think, to act, to relate to the world, and in the minds most beautiful I dig a deep hot niche near the heart. <3
PASSION: many, too many to write. I'm just in love with the life, of this great adventure, which I wish would never end for anyone.
As soon as I can, I answer on Stack Exchange, Telegram, WhatsApp, Giando[at]Lombardit[dot]IT, GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook & the smoke signals.
"The problems arise, for the resolution."-G.L.
"Consider ye the seed from which ye sprang;
Ye were not made to live like unto brutes,
But for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge."-Dante Alighieri