[n|c]oding multimedia & thinking outside the box - Node poetry in its purest form.
Noding/coding costs time and money! If you would like to support my work and help me continue to offer free help here, please consider sponsoring my projects. Thank you!
Change log...
2023-03-21 (Day 365)
A quick review of my first year at StackExchange: It was fantastic! A rocket launch!
It was exciting, educational, interesting, and I hope I was able to fulfill my role as moderator to some extent and enrich this platform. After 626 answers in such a short time, I will from now on act more in the background, and let others take the lead. Happy noding!
2023-02-11 (Day 327)
I am proud to announce that I can now offer some of my own assets on Blender Market. The focus will be on Geometry Nodes of course. I hope I can help you solve very specific problems with it and simplify things. If you want to help me to continue to produce high quality assets, please support me by buying these assets. Cheers!
2022-11-22 (Day 246)
It's time to thank the community for the trust they have placed in me! I look forward to being available to you all as a Moderator at Blender SE and digging through a variety of interesting questions.
Thank you!
2022-09-09 (Day 172)
quellenform is very happy today and celebrates himself as the first user to be awarded the geometry-nodes gold badge for answering numerous interesting questions on https://blender.stackexchange.com/.
This is a nice token of appreciation, thank you!
2022-03-22 (Day 1)
Oh, how cool is that: A dedicated StackExchange for Blender!? Yes, well then I want to learn Geometry Nodes
...looks interesting.