This userscript is part of SOMU (SO-mod-userscripts)
Post Headers & Question TOC
- Sticky post headers to help when scrolling long posts / comment threads
- User, revision history, post timeline links
- Clicking on middle area of post header scrolls to start of post (replaces URL hash)
Dynamic anchors for header-level text in posts
- Clicking on header levels 1, 2, 3 will scroll to and replace hash in address bar, which can be copied/used to bookmark an important section in long Q&A pages
Sticky Question Table of Contents of Answers in sidebar below Featured Posts module
Only shown when there are five or more answers
Answer score, accepted, user display name, indicates mods and deleted users, datetime
Sorted by current answer sort order (active/oldest/votes)
Clicking on answer links scrolls to start of post (replaces URL hash)
Toggle deleted answers in ToC
Sticky Candidate table of contents on election page
Userscripts require Tampermonkey to be installed on your browser.
If you are on Android, your browser options are Firefox (recommended) or Dolphin.
This userscript is part of SOMU (SO-mod-userscripts)
Bug reports, Forks, and PRs welcome!