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Markdown Shortcuts for StackExchange - insert latex commands quickly by keybindings


This userscript gives users some quick key bindings to speed up the process of editing mathjax/chem/etc. into posts.

Example usage: (the hotkeys are customizable!)

  1. Pressing Alt+Shift+P would insert \pi directly.
  2. Pressing Alt+R would insert \mathrm{} with the caret auto-placed in the middle. Pressing Alt-R again would unwrap the \mathrm{} back.
  3. Pressing Alt+R with some text pre-selected would insert \mathrm{text}, retaining the selection on the text. Pressing Alt-R again would unwrap the \mathrm{text} back to text, retaining the selection on text.
  4. Prepending Ctrl to any of the above keybindings will auto-surround the insertion text with $$ (or \$ on some other SE sites)
  5. The keybinding and its associated insertion text can be modified by the user. So, you can set it to insert \pi on Alt+A instead.

Moreover, there are certain reserved keycodes like:

  • Alt-Z => dollar-ifying (text => $text$)
  • Alt-C => double dollar-ifying (text => $$text$$)
  • Alt-A => frac-ify (A/B => \frac{A}{B})
  • Alt-S => align-ify (image demo)

You can still change their keycode or entirely disable them as well, the given Z/C/A/etc. keycombos are just the default values. Read more on the GitHub page.


Install link (and view source)


  1. Advertise in site-specific meta posts and meet specific feature requests as needed
  2. Beta test!


This userscript expands the featureset of the previous userscript and has been built from the ground up - six years later!


Do whatever you wish to do, just don't sell this for money (but may use it in a commercial software's code) or state that you made it yourself. Do post here an answer if you do something cool with this :D


Post bugs or feature requests as answers below!