Heat detector is a stackapp running as bot, that query comments api for all comments on SO to catch offensive, rude, snarky comments and comments that leads to abusive content (offensive, spam posts or previous offensive comments)
The comments are output in chat for manual review.
To avoid storing comments in chat transcript (unearth buried fights), the comment is automatically deleted from chat before timeout.
The bot also have both a test function and a report function, that enables possibility to test different comments and to train the classifiers on uncaught content.
The comments api is queried every 1,5 min-3 min depending on traffic, the objective of query interval is to get all last comments within 1 page result (max 100 comments), to reduce api calls to a minimum.
All comments are processed both by regex and multiple machine learning algorithms (NLP), they all contributes to a final score. If score is above set threshold the comment is outputted to chat.
Before regex is applied the comment is pre-processed removing username, html tags and ripetitive characters. Before NLP classification also code blocks, links and non normal ASCII chars are removed.
The regex system is currently divided in two external text files, high scoring regex and low scoring regex.
NLP (Natural language processing)
Currently 3 different NLP systems are used, the different classifiers contributes to final score with different weights.
Naive Bayes
This is the primary classifier (currently the best performing classifier) used, contributing most significantly to the final score.
The classifier runs with these primary settings:
minWordFrequency: 1 (comments are to short to use word frequency)
useWordFrequency: false
lowercaseTokens: true
normalizeDocLenght: false
stemmer: IteratedLovinsStemmer
Stopwords: Standard english stopwords
Tokenizer: NGramTokenizer (min 1, max 3)
Testing on training set it has correctly classified instances at 99.15%
Apache Open NLP standard DocumentCategorizerME
, with default settings (cutoff 0, iteration: 4000)
J48 - Decision tree
The feed is filtered to a StringToWordVector
and classified with the J48 algoritim, settings are similar as for Navive Bayes.
NLP Feed
The classifier has a feed divided in 2 categories, the good feed that is a download of old (>90 days) comments from comment api and a bad feed that is a composition of:
Feed provided by SE, these comments have been reviewed manually and almost 50% removed as they did not seem to be within scope
Twitter feed provided by Laurel
Currently the feed contains 2000 good SO comments and 2000 (1000 SO, 1000 Twitter) bad comments .
The bot run under same user as SOCVFinder the Queen. The main reason is to leverage calls to comments api from same server, hence SOCVFinder already query comments api for possibile duplicates.
Source code
Source code is available on GitHub.
This stackapp is currently in testing phase, to understand correct regex and specially to improve feed, including new bad SO comments replacing the twitter feed comments. The objective is to run on 3000 good/bad only SO comments.